Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 “The Broken Man”

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 ‘The Broken Man’ reveal that Jaime faces resistance, the Tyrells blame the Lannisters for everything, Sansa makes bold moves, Yara and Theon scheme, and battle plans consume the North.

Olenna Tyrell is furious and blames Cersei Lannister. Olenna says their houses are facing collapse “because of your stupidity.” They’ll have to deal with the High Sparrow themselves since Tommen sent Jaime Lannister away.

Jaime will confront a hero – but who is it? He’s sent to Riverrun to break the siege between the Tullys and the Freys. Walder Frey, author of the Red Wedding, wants Riverrun desperately. Jaime will find himself trying to broker a deal or else do battle.

Brienne of Tarth was sent to secure help from the Tullys for the war up North but that doesn’t seem likely. Lannisters and Frey soldiers are at the gates, but the Tullys have the castle. Brendyn Tully opens the gate to talk to Jaime.

Lothar Frey threatens to kill Edmure Tully if his uncle won’t give up the castle, but Brendyn won’t. If all plays out as it did in the book, Jaime will finagle Edmure to talk his uncle into giving up Riverrun to spare innocent lives in the imminent battle.

GoT spoilers indicate a major battle scene was filmed that will air closer to the end of Season 6 and that it took a whopping six weeks to film. Some have theorized it’s the Riverrun siege, but it seems more likely it’s the North battle over Winterfell to roust Ramsay Bolton.

Bronn is back and be at Riverrun with Jaime – it’s been a long time since we’ve seen Tyrion Lannister’s former BFF and man at arms. Looks like Bronn may get some face time with Podrick Payne , who’s with Brienne these days.

Up north, Tormund Giantsbane reminds the wildling army that Jon Snow literally died for them and they can do no less for him or else they are “cowards.” That fine speech will give Jon and Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) an army.

Meanwhile, Davos Seaworth has his eye on the real enemy – the white walkers – and thinks these little power plays are meaningless when you look at the big picture and tells the Starks and their allies, “the dead are coming.”

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