Saturday, August 6, 2016

Flash Season 3 New Characters, Timeline and Powers

Over two seasons, CW's Flash has become the network's flagship show for its DC TV Universe. As Flash moves into its third season, everything is about to change. At the end of season two, Barry Allen went back in time and rescued his mother from death, altering history and creating an alternate timeline that will be explored in the new season, kicking off with an episode titled, appropriately, "Flashpoint." Along with the alternate timeline, the show's core relationships will be switched up, showcasing different aspects of each characters' personality, starting with Barry himself.

In the new timeline, Barry is the only one who remembers the old world, though that may change over the course of the season. "Barry starts to forget things about his old life as time goes by," Flash actor Grant Gustin told Newsarama at Comic-Con International: San Diego. Unsurprisingly, Gustin was unable to go too in detail about what the new season has in store, but he said that in the new world, Barry was raised by his parents, not Joe West, and as such his relationship with Joe and Iris is very different.

However, there's still hope for fans of Barry and Iris's relationship. "I think Barry and Iris will always find each other," said Iris West actor Candice Patton. Meanwhile, Jesse L. Martin, who plays her father Joe West, said that Flash season 3 finds a version of Joe that is decidedly different from his Earth One counterpart, saying he's got less of a moral center.

As for Joe's other child, Wally West, fans already know that Wally will become Kid Flash in Flash season three, and Martin says the fact that both of his sons - Wally, his biological son, and Barry, his adoptive son - are superheroes hasn't escaped him. He confessed that he'd like to have a costume and powers of his own on the show, saying he'd like to be able to "transmute matter." After being informed that there is actually a Flash villain with that power, Dr. Alchemy, Martin made it clear that he was simply spitballing, but did say that he "no longer trusts" that Joe West will never go Metahuman.

Likewise, Carlos Valdes, who plays Cisco, stopped short of saying he'd go full on hero in season three, dancing around the idea of getting a costume or giving himself one of his famous nicknames, but did say he believes "fans will be happy to see Cisco fulfill his destiny."

There are still other mysteries afoot in Flash season three, such as the character played by new castmember Tom Felton, who confessed that even he doesn't know his character's secret.

"It's like taking a job because someone says 'This job is going to be even more awesome later on,' but they can't tell you why." What Felton could confirm is that his character is one of Barry's fellow forensic scientist, but that he's "a little faster than Barry" with certain parts of the job - something that he lords over Barry. Rest assured however that even though Felton couldn't explain his character's secret, there will be some kind of twist.

Speaking of twists, Harrison Wells actor Tom Cavanagh said that his character would indeed be back, though he couldn't say exactly how it would work. Flash seasons one and two showed different versions of Wells - one a villain, and the other more a hero of sorts so the Flashpoint timeline could take him just about anywhere.

Flash season 3 premieres October 4 on CW.

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