Thursday, April 14, 2016

Major Signs that Game of Thrones Season 6 is Game Changer

Their is no stopping anymore Winter is Coming!.Game of Thrones becomes more epic and fantasy-driven with every new season and clearly season 6 is going to be no exception and its getting more intense. Here are just four ways season six of Game of Thrones will change the landscape of Westeros.

Those Dragons are now full-grown: As the Game of Thrones progresses, so does the size of the dragons. The shot of Drogon flying over the Dothraki army is a stunning moment and an important one for the series. The dragons are officially powerful enough to truly change the face of Westeros and are even a threat to the White Walkers.

Cersei’s revenge: After her humiliation and imprisonment by the Faith and the loss of her daughter, Cersei is out for blood. Cersei’s tolerance of the Faith is clearly at an end as we see Jaime lead his men to confront the High Sparrow in what will likely be a very messy meeting that helps the Lanister’s reestablish dominance and control in the south.

The Resurrection of the Starks: I know many of us are hoping for it, but we don’t see any true confirmation yet. Melisandre has shown a particular interest in Jon Snow and Davos is seen about to engage in combat over Jon Snow’s body. In the most recent trailer, we see Davos riding with the Stark banner behind him, a strong indication that the Starks will be rallying in this season and hopefully reclaiming what is theirs. More importantly, we see Sansa briefly wearing the Stark direwolf on her dress. This may be more about the rise of Sansa Stark than Jon Snow. If Jon Snow does in fact come back, be careful what you wish for. Everything in Game of Thrones has a cost. We finally seethe return of Bran after a full season without him and clearly he will have some sort of confrontation with the White Walkers. This is season 6 and the excitement is high especially for the rise of the Stark one of the beloved family in the show.

The ride of the White Walkers: We’ve never seen so many shots of the White Walkers, so I expect they will have much larger presence in this season. And like the size of the dragons, the White Walker ranks are swelling with every season. This growing threat may be the ultimate rallying call for all the kingdoms to once again unite under one king … or queen.


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