Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Inside Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer

Counting the days as Game of Thrones will finally back their is exactly 12 days to go to be wait for the epic season 6 premiere the hype is all over the internet and spoilers are everywhere as HBO drops the second trailer for season 6 after the LA premiere.

Here it is, the second trailer for Season 6 and the hunt for clues grows more desperate with only twelve days to go.

Jon Snow is still dead. No updates there. Fan are so eager to know if Jon be back again but still the trailer is too blur to sea the fate of Jon in season 6.

But we do see both Davos and Thorne's supporters in the Night's Watch standing over Jon's still cold body. Looks like a stand-off. It is also revealed that Davos will protect Jon corpse no matter what it takes it seems that Davos is loyal as a night watch and also to the stark.

Uh oh, Daenerys Targaryen is seen stripped and restrained by her Dothraki prisoners. This looks bad, but the trailer also shows Drogon flying to her aid. I’m really looking forward what will happen to Daenerys in this season 6.

"It's all I think about. What was taken from me." Donning the direwolf sigil of House Stark, Sansa is on the war path. Im really excited for Sansa in this season after all the hard time that she have been through in the hands of Lannister to Boltons. She is really a strong character in this series.

Jaime Lannister, Mace Tyrell and the Tyrells are more visible in this trailer as they are about to storm the Sept of Baelor.

More war talk. This time featuring the White Walkers. "The real war is between the living and the dead, and make no mistake the dead are coming," we're told. The white walker already appears in previous episodes of the series but this time they look like they are ready for war.

The trailer ends on a light note with a classic Tyrion line. "That's what I do. I drink and I know things." One of the well loved character in the show. Seems what could be their next moved since Dany is in the hands of the Dothraki prisoners.


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