Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6: Major Hints from the Trailer

The long awaited trailer of Game of thrones season 6 is finally released and so many things that we have seen that gives us some major hints in what is up to for the next upcoming season.

Thankfully after what has felt like a veritable age, we’re in to the final stretch before Game Of Thrones season 6 bursts from the ashes of Jon Snow, Stannis Baratheon and his poor, crispy daughter. It may sound like a cliche, but the next season legitimately feels like the biggest yet, with the biggest thrills, the biggest threats and inevitably the biggest rewards. But it’s going to be an ordeal to get there.

With Cersei and Jaime vowing vengeance, Dany under the captive control of the Dothraki and new players announcing their arrival with violence and bloodshed, the stakes are incredibly high. Even without a trailer, the questions posed by the end of season 5 would have been enough to draw fans back in, but now that the teaser has posed some of its own questions, the hype train is at full speed on the speculation track to theory town.

We chop ups some of the major hints from the trailer that could possibly be happening in the next season 6.

The Tyrells 

 After the beginnings of tension between the Sparrows and the hedonistic ruling classes in season 5, it looks like the forthcoming season will erupt into actual violence. And regardless of how confident the High Sparrow is of his God’s will protecting him, the relatively limited forces of the Faith Militant should be overwhelmed by a real army.

Most intriguing of course is the fact that the trailer reveals Jaime Lannister sitting at the front of an army of Tyrell guards confronting the High Sparrow, suggesting that the fractured relationship between the two Houses will be put aside in favor of one unified agenda: rescuing the Tyrell brats.

Lannisters Reunited 

 Despite the fact that Cersei should be legitimately annoyed at Jaime for mishandling his onwe job he had last season so badly that their daughter ended up dead with a frothy mouth, it looks like she doesn’t actually hate him. She really seems to blow hot and cold on Jaime. Presumably, Tommen’s death will be what drives the Lannisters to work with the Tyrells. But whatever the final trigger, seeing the pair turn into the Toxic Twins of Westeros would be wonderful.

Tyrion Frees The Dragons 

Though he wasn’t in the trailer for more than a couple of seconds, the brief flash of Tyrion descending into darkness was potentially hugely revealing because of what it suggests. Given what we know of Mereen’s lower caverns, the most obvious leap would be to assume that the increasingly perilous situation in Mereen drives him to unleash the two dragons she locked away.

Margaery Will Be Forgiven 

The sight of Margaery on her knees before the High Sparrow in the trailer seems to suggest that her difficult time may be coming to an end. Presumably, there’d have to be an almighty caveat, but there are two distinct possibilities that wouldn’t diminish the High Sparrow’s power or compromise his religious conviction.

Lancel Will Die

It surely can’t be long before Lancel Lannister joins his cousins in the grave: there are too many indicators already that he’s destined for a bloody end. He’s confidence, cock-sure and believes his cause makes him untouchable. Pretty much every other character that has fit that sort of billing in the past has been spectacularly killed.

The fact that he comes face to face with Cersei and her new pocket monster suggests he’s set to go the same way, particularly as he makes the foolish mistake of threatening them.

Bran’s Training

Bran has been gone long enough now that Isaac Hempstead Wright now looks like a completely different person, and that’s sort of the point for season 6. Gone will be the boring Hobbit-like figure trying to find self-worth and destiny in the three eyes of the Raven, as he’s finally reached his meaningful destination. We are all hoping about Bran for this season.

The Greyjoys Save Sansa 

After Reek’s betrayal of his master at the end of season 5, it seems inevitable that his family will be playing an increased role in season 6. The arrival of bad boy pirate Euron Greyjoy is one thing, but there were hints in the trailer that the Greyjoys will actually be mobilizing as a military force as well.

The Wildings At War

Having been saved by Jon Snow at Hardhome and led back to the fresh threats at the Wall, the question of what the Wildlings do next is a pretty massive one. We know that Jon offered them settlement, but that Alliser Thorne fears them and wants them all dead, so how they escape that particularly situation is a big issue.

Presumably, Alliser allows them to leave the Wall through the South gate because the trailer shows their forces facing off with the Bolton army at Winterfell. It’s unlikely Ramsay will march North to the Wall , so that would suggest the Wildlings coming south kicks the Boltons’ defense into gear and they meet them on the battlefield.

Ser Davos The Bad-Ass

Rather wonderfully, it looks like season 6 will see the rise of Davos Seaworth as a warrior bad-ass with a strange commitment to protecting Jon Snow’s corpse.

The question of why he would be doing so when there’s a very distinct chance that dead people rise from the grave as wights is somewhat puzzling until you consider Melisandre. She’s capable of at least some of the same magic that brought Beric back to life several times (and she knows what Thoros is capable of) and despite her current crisis of confidence, the trailer has shown she will be magically dabbling again.

Is Ghost Dead?

This may seem like a strange supposition based solely on the briefest flash in the trailer, but there’s a nagging suspicion that Jon Snow’s loyal canine sidekick might also have been shown dead in it.

There is of course an argument for the direwolf simply being depressed, but the fact that the creature doesn’t stir when Davos unsheathes his sword should be a fairly ominous sign. I have to admit that Im so inlove the direwolf since in season 1 those are wonderful sidekicks of the starks children.

Jon Snow is Dead (Okay, So Maybe He’s Not)

Season 6 can’t come quick enough if it puts paid to the theorizing about Jon Snow’s survival or death, and it’s going to either way. The repeated shots of Snow in the trailer being all dead seemed to be a fairly strong indication that he’s actually proper dead, but then they go and spoil it all by apparently outright showing him alive and well. And not only that, it doesn’t appear to be a flashback, but rather a part of the Wildling battle with the Boltons at Winterfell.

So, hopefully Snow isn’t actually going to fully die or will be revived and can ride in as the Wildlings’ white knight, killing Ramsay and Roose in the process and severing their penises for his sort of brother, Theon.

An Answer To R + L =J 
After a good few seasons of teasing and theorizing, it seems that Ned Stark will actually be back for season 6 in a flashback sequence that will take the show back to the time of the Civil War, and specifically to the red mountains of Dorne.

The trailer seemed to suggest that we will be getting an answer to the R+L=J theory, as the sequence in question will presumably see Ned lead a charge on the Tower Of Joy and the discovery of his sister dying within. This is after all the perfect opportunity to see more of Jon Snow’s story.


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