Monday, November 4, 2013

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 5 Internment Summary Preview and Sneak Peek

A lot of problems are coming into the prison as more people are getting sick and Rick goes for a run to find foods and medical supplies that they can used inside the prison. Lizzie is talking to Carol, who for some reason doesn’t mind the fact that people turning into zombies changes them for the worst. “It’s how it is,” the young girl says. Meanwhile, Rick observes Carol killing a sick human who’s become infected. Carol has obviously become very dark, and she reassures Lizzie that they all change in different ways.

The two are heading out for medicine, and the latter explains that she’s killed who she’s had to because they’ve been a threat to the others. Once inside a house they want to take medicine from, they grab supplies and come across a zombie that falls down the stairs towards them. Also upstairs we’re greeted by a man and a woman, who’s wounds are patched up by Carol. They seem like an unassuming, friendly couple who Rick decides to take in at the prison after feeling uncertain and warning them that many at their makeshift home are currently sick.

The next day, Rick tells Carol that the two people she killed may’ve lived but they didn’t get the chance to survive. He says that he’s afraid she’ll kill others too, and he decides that Carol can’t come back to the prison. She gives him a watch given to her by her husband for their first anniversary. Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese, and Bobby are on a mission too. The four come across a building covered in shrubbery. While tearing down the plants, zombies start poking their heads out from the other side. Tyreese seems suicidal and pulls one of the zombies towards him, which Michonne scolds him for later. Meanwhile, Daryl asks Bobby about his backstory. He says he’s been in two different groups and was hesitant to take Daryl’s offer when he found him.

After rounding up all of their medicine, they encounter a few zombies. They make their way up stairs because it’s the only way to escape, and once on the second floor’s rooftop Bobby trips and almost lets his bag fly off the edge. He pulls it out of the zombies’ hands after the others tell him to just let it go, and when bringing it back up a bottle of alcohol comes out. They see that Bobby didn’t take any medicine and only grabbed liquor for himself.. This pisses off Daryl who tells him he regrets taking him in when he did before season 4 started. He tells Bobby that if he ever sees him drinking, he’ll “beat his ass into the ground.”

In the next episode of the walking dead season 4 episode 5 entitled Internment, Assorted enemies pressure Rick and the group; the survivors and the prison may reach a breaking point.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

Here is the sneak peek of the upcoming episode:


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