Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 9 The Cell Summary plus Promo

While it was heartbreaking watching Jesse die, particularly because of Catherine’s reaction to losing her first post-Tyler love interest, I understand it needed to happen. Dr. Wes’ unread creations, vampires who feed on other vampires, are simply too dangerous to exist in this world no matter how beautiful they are.

Damon spent the hour torturing the good doctor in his lab, only to uncover a mind-blowing truth about his own past: Damon is one of the Augustine vampires, too! The episode ended with Damon clawing at the walls of a cell, suffering from the same kind of that’s been plaguing his brother since getting his memories back from Tessa.

Racked with guilt over killing Nadia’s passenger, and freaking out about her own mortality, Katherine nearly took the plunge this week right off the Whitmore College clock tower! Fortunately, Mr. Stefan, not Damon was there to catch her fall, as well as pass along a few words of encouragement. Stefan and Katherine’s scenes this week were actually really nice. I liked seeing her calm him down when he was freaking out during the party who’d have thought Katherine would ever be the voice of reason? and I definitely enjoyed seeing him return the favor by saving her life.

In the next episode of the vampire diaries season 5 episode 9 entitled The Cell At Whitmore College, Elena and Caroline decide it’s time to throw a big party, but their plans are interrupted when Jesse suddenly needs Caroline’s help. At Elena’s request, Damon comes up with an effective method to get Wes to answer his questions. At the party, Elena finds that she and Aaron have a lot in common, and Caroline grows more concerned about Jesse. Meanwhile, Katherine does a favor for Matt and manages to get through to Stefan, who is still struggling to overcome the events of the summer. Finally, Bonnie does her best to cope with her new reality, and Damon makes a terrifying discovery about a secret society.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

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