Thursday, May 12, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 HBO Released Upcoming Episode 6 and 7 Titles

HBO has released the episode titles for Game of Thrones S06E07 and S06E08, and they’re a little more telling than previous ones.

According to the official HBO schedule, these are the follow-ups to episode 4, ‘Book of the Stranger’, and episode 5, ‘The Door’:

Season 6, Episode 6: ‘Blood of My Blood’

Run time: 52 minutes

What it refers to: The Dothraki phrase often used by khals, khaleesi and their bloodriders, so expect an episode centred around Daenerys. Judging by the episode 4 trailer, it looks like she’ll be freed by Daario and Jorah this week, but it seems her dealings with the Dothraki won’t end there.

Season 6, Episode 7: ‘The Broken Man’

Run time: 51 minutes

What it refers to: A speech from A Feast For Crows which is something of a favourite among book readers. It is given by Septon Meribald, so this episode will probably see the arrival of new cast member Ian McShane.

It’s a pretty long monologue, so may well be cut down for the show. It also references, and comes in the books shortly before, Brienne and Podrick run into a gravedigger many people believe to be Sandor Clegane, who has shed his The Hound identity. This could be the beginning of the much-hyped Cleganebowl - a fight to the death between The Hound and The Mountain.

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