Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 5 “The Door” Preview

Rather staggeringly, next week's installment of Game of Thrones will mark the halfway point of season 6. But what can we expect from the episode? Well, judging by HBO's newly-released preview for episode 5 entitled “The Door”, it seems things are going to get intense rather quick speed.

Sansa comes face to face with Littlefinger. It looks as though Sansa will finally come face to face with Westeros's premiere brothel owner, Littlefinger, and she's not happy with him. The pair last saw each other when Littlefinger - aka Petyr Baelish - offered the eldest Stark daughter's hand in marriage to psychopath Ramsay Bolton.

Sansa is shown in the trailer keeping her cool while quizzing the former Master of Coin over how much he knew about Ramsay. Trusty servant Brienne is loitering behind, so Littlefinger better choose his words carefully if he wants to make it through the encounter without a sword through his throat.

Having recently escaped the clutches of Roose Bolton's bastard son, Sansa will find it difficult to trust the man who convinced her marrying Ramsay was a good idea. It's possible the two will reconcile, however, after Littlefinger declared war on the Boltons in the North and set about raising an army. This brought an end to the neutrality of the Vale, which has so far managed to avoid the wars and battles which have plagued Westeros.

Arya is still kicking about in the House of Black and White. It feels as though Arya and the enigmatic Jaqen have been holed up in the House of Black and White for ages, and it doesn't look as though they will be shifting anytime soon. In typically cryptic fashion, Jaqen is shown standing over a dead body while asking Arya: "Does death only come for the wicked, and leave the decent behind?" Could Arya be about to learn another lesson on her way to becoming a faceless assassin?

She's spent most of this series getting smacked about with a stick by a character referred to only as the Waif. Which seemed especially unfair since Arya was blind at the time. Now that her sight has been returned to her, let's hope that Arya's story line picks up.

Yara is making a stand for girl power. The trailer shows Yara, Theon Greyjoy's swashbuckling sister, making a claim on the Salt Throne. Even though she had been groomed by father Balon for this day since childhood, it's not certain that Yara will succeed though. A woman has never ruled the Iron Islands, as we and Yara were reminded by the Drowned Priest in episode three, so it will hardly be surprising if there are more than a few objections to Balon Greyjoy's only daughter succeeding him to the Salt Throne. It won't help that Euron Greyjoy, Yara's prodigal uncle has returned from his travels. Just in time to claim the throne for himself.

Are Tyrion and Varys in trouble? A mysterious woman is shown telling Varys and Tyrion, "knowledge has made you powerful, but there is still so much you don't know". The pair have been governing Mereen as best they can since Daenerys went off gallivanting with her dragon in season five. Could this be a warning of tragedy to come?

The Lannister dwarf and sleuthing eunuch have been on of the most popular double acts in the show, so hopefully they'll make it through the episode unscathed and Daenerys will still have a city to come back to. Nonetheless, it is a sinister warning and strikes at the heart of what Tyrion and Varys are about. After all, drinking and knowing things are Tyrion's main hobbies.

It is unclear who this mystery woman is, although the choker and long robes aren't dissimilar from red priestess Melisandre's look. We know that Melisandre originally hails from Ashai in Essos, not far from Mereen, so perhaps she is a red priestess.

But what about Daenerys? Surely, if the pair do get into a spot of bother, Daenerys will come to the rescue. Having recently acquired a legion of Dothraki soldiers following her explosive scene in episode four, she will have the might to take Mereen back from the Sons of the Harpy, who have been terrorising the city.

Game of Throne's scariest character is back. Forget Ramsay Bolton, the real villain of Game of Thrones will make an appearance next week. Bran Stark is shown experiencing on of his visions, standing amidst an army of white walkers and stood a mere feet away from the Night's King – the serie's most enigmatic creature. Perhaps more worryingly, back in the real world a distressed Meera is shown shaking Bran awake presumably to snap him out of this terrifying vision.

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