Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Flash Season 2 New Villain Named Rupture

While the show is on break and hasn’t return yet and they keep dropping us hints and major spoilers. The Flash Season 2 is set to back this coming March 22, and yet some of the photos leaked online and keep hinting us a little bit of information it what we are gonna expect more in season 2.

The major spoiler is made by @canadagraphs twitter account and spread all over the entire web that they just visited on the set of The Flash and they snapped a photo showing a person that’s clearly dressed in some kind of elaborate meta-human costume holding an interesting-looking scythe. After the picture surfaced, it didn’t take long before DC Comic fans connected the dots and determined that the character must be Rupture.

It’s important to note that no official word has come from the producers of “The Flash,” meaning anything having to do with the introduction of the Rupture character is speculative at this point. But given the leaked images, there’s a lot of evidence to support the theory. For starters, the costume and signature weapon are very similar to those the character debuted in “Justice League of America” #233. But that’s not the only reason Rupture would be a perfect fit for “The Flash.”

Meanwhile in the comic books the identity is already revealed it is Armando Ramon brother of Cisco Ramon. That’s right, the trusty tech genius friend to Barry Allen , who’s been with the show since episode 1, may have an older brother that will step in as a new big baddie for the team to fight. As diehard fans may remember that the show has already explored Cisco’s relationship to his brother, Dante, in Season 1, episode 16. In it, we learn that Cisco has always played second fiddle to his piano-prodigy older brother, despite his obvious genius and cushy job at S.T.A.R. Labs.

But again their is non confirmation yet about the circulation of the photo online. All we fans are need to wait for the to find out what is happening next on The Flash returns to the CW at 8 p.m. EST on March 22.

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