In the other hand Arya and her friend is still in the hood while they are going into the hideout of the Brotherhoods without Banners.
Way back to the Kings Landings Margaery is continue to play in her game with her future husband to be King Geoffrey since the Lannisner is not sociable to the outside people but in this time the King are going into it as they having the tour at the Great Sept of Baelor whwere their wedding is going to be held. Meanwhile in beyond the wall, Craster is murdered and Rast murdered commander.
While across the narrow sea, In the city of Astapor at the Silver’s bay, Daenarys Targaryen is ready to take his army in her hands from Kraznys in the return of the one dragon. Daenerys lets her dragon out of its cage, and leads it on a long leather leash as it hovers about twenty feet in the air. She hands the leash to Kraznys, and in return he gives her a cat-o-nine-tails with a hilt shaped like a Harpy, signifying ownership of the Unsullied. Daenerys asks if it is done, and Kraznys impatiently says that it is, as he struggles to rein in the dragon.
But in the surprise of Missandei Dany commands the Unsullied in Valyrian and Missandei smiles as she really knows her. While Kraznys is busy with the Dragon she asks Missandei to tell that the dragon won’t come when he commands and Dany answers to the face of Kraznys and says "A dragon is not a slave" in Valyrian. Dumbfounded, Kraznys blurts out "You speak Valyrian?" She declares that she is Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, of the blood of Old Valyria: Valyrian is her mother-tongue. She was simply feigning ignorance this entire time (and putting up with Kraznys' insulting comments) to lull them into a false sense of security.
Since Dany is now owning the thousands of soldiers she ordered to kill all the slave Masters in the Astapor and the soldiers obeys in her command and started to kill the slave masters. While the killing is going on Kraznys shouts that someone need to kill Dany. Dany turns and speaks dracary’s and drogon spits fire directly to Kraznys.
Daenerys rides triumphantly out of the smoking wreck of Astapor, and drops the slave-master's whip on the ground. She rides out with her eight thousand strong army of Unsullied marching in formation, as her three dragons fly above them. For the first time in generations, a conquering Targaryen is on the warpath. She has what her brother dreamed about for seventeen years but could never find: an army with which to reconquer the Seven Kingdoms.
Daenerys rides triumphantly out of the smoking wreck of Astapor, and drops the slave-master's whip on the ground. She rides out with her eight thousand strong army of Unsullied marching in formation, as her three dragons fly above them. For the first time in generations, a conquering Targaryen is on the warpath.
In the next episode of Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 “Kissed by Fire”, The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged; Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed; Tyrion learns the cost of weddings. She has what her brother dreamed about for seventeen years but could never find: an army with which to reconquer the Seven Kingdoms.
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