Did you watch the previous episode of the vampire diaries? Drop dead gorgeous ladies of the mystic falls attend to the prom night that they have but suddenly turn out into the disaster. Finally Bonnie shows up after that she back to the mystic falls after the trip with the island in looking for the cure but while she is sleeping she dreamed again about Jeremy and waking up and she is on fire It only means that she can’t control her power.
Meanwhile the Caroline is preparing for the prom night in selecting her dress to be and finally she got the choice but Elena takes Caroline dress. Its look like the Gilbert girl is the new bitch in the town especially with her friends. After Caroline find out that she have no dress to be wear to the prom is she goes to Klaus and he finds a way to make Caroline goes to the prom.
While in the prom Stefan and Damon keeping the eye in Elena. Bonnie become the prom queen while Matt become the prom king. Since Elena lose her humanity and makes a scene again that she is hungry she tries to bite Bonnie but she can’t because Bonnie is a witch and she can protect herself while Elena grab April and bite it.
While in the outside Elena didn’t leave Bonnie alone and grab the time to bite Bonnie but when Elena bite Bonnie she spit out the blood and finally Bonnie can’t control her power anymore leading Elena into a serious condition until Damon and Stefan come and Bonnie comes down. We saw that Jeremy is always in the head of Bonnie but it is Silas in until Bonnie goes to a secret place and see Silas original face.
In the next episode of the Vampire Diaries Season 4 Episode 20 entitled “The Originals”, Klaus returns to his past in New Orleans .Acting on a mysterious tip that a plot is brewing against him in New Orleans, Klaus makes a trip to the town he and his family helped build. Klaus’ questions lead him to a reunion with his former protégé, Marcel, a charismatic vampire who has total control over the human and supernatural inhabitants of New Orleans. Determined to help his brother find redemption, Elijah follows Klaus and soon learns that Hayley has also come to the French Quarter searching for clues to her family history, and has fallen into the hands of a powerful witch named Sophie. Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Damon and Stefan continue with their plan for Elena, while Katherine reveals a surprising vulnerability to Rebekah and asks her to deliver a message.
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