Friday, May 6, 2016

Rickon Stark is Back in Game of Thrones Season 6 Maisie Williams Confirms

The Stark family is slowly reappearing, one by one. While there's no coming back from the fatalities of the red wedding, the remaining members of the Stark family seem to be back in action in Game of Thrones season 6. Last week, we got Jon Snow back from the dead. Now, Rickon is coming back. Strak fans are now celebrating that the Stark family is slowly rising after the devastating things happen to them.

To be fair, the youngest Stark child has been totally absent from the show since the third season, when he was last seen splitting off from Bran with his direwolf Shaggydog and his wildling guardian Osha.

Maisie Williams, about the only Game of Thrones cast member willing to throw caution into HBO’s ‘DON’T TALK ABOUT SPOILERS!’ wind, has revealed that the youngest Stark, Rickon, will feature later in season 6.

If you’ve forgotten who Rickon is, he was the Stark boy who Bran asked wildling Osha to keep safe with House Umber while he went off on his dangerous warning journey sleeping in a tree is dangerous, okay.

It’s already been theorized that we will see Rickon in the very next episode entitled “Oathbreaker” which in the trailer, sees two representatives of the Umbers bring Ramsay Bolton a “gift” (very possibly Rickon). And just when we thought all of the Starks were finally out of immediate peril.

Spoilers from the books ahead. Well, unless Rickon's storyline has been altered for the TV show quiet drastically, this is unlikely. In A Dance with Dragons, Davos Seaworth's storyline finishes with the Onion Knight setting out to track down Rickon and although his location isn't explicitly specified, it's heavily implied that the young Stark is hiding out on Skagos an island full of cannibals that lies off the coast of Westeros, to the East of the Wall. Either way, it's likely he won't be having an easy time of it when he does reappear.

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