Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 4 “Book of the Stranger”

Three episodes are down and Game of Thrones season 6 makes a major changes in the plot of th story and provide infanticide, resurrection and more human dog food than anyone could have really wanted to see on screen. However, as the trailer for the season's fourth instalment shows, there's still room for old favourites to return and secret greyscale sufferer Jorah Mormont to fight for the valour of his beloved Daenerys yet again.

Here's what we can expect from the episode, cryptically titled Book of the Stranger: Littlefinger is back! The most curiously accented man in Westeros returns in the fourth episode. Last seen in his sparrow-ruined brothel after sending Sansa into the clutches of Ramsay Bolton, the manipulative Petyr Baelish is seen talking to his weedy nephew Robin Arryn and a falcon friend about the escape of the Stark princess No doubt Littlefinger's up to his old tricks but how successful can he be accompanied by a boy who can't fight and his trainer?

The plucky trio are shown approaching heavy gates against a snowy, mountainous backdrop. Perhaps they have reached Castle Black, ready for Sansa to reunite with her long-lost half-brother Jon Snow. Unfortunately, none of them know that Snow has been killed and resurrected and, as seen in episode 3, has abandoned his watch. A grisly wild goose chase if ever there was one.

Theon finally comes home. This is the day few saw coming, considering the loathsome Ramsay Bolton remains at large and in charge at Winterfell, having killed anyone who threatens his throne. But Theon has escaped his captor and the sea air appears to have done him some good as he turns up at the dark, dank Iron Islands he calls home. It might be a good thing that his irascible father Balon was murdered by his uncle, Euron, in episode two, but Theon's sister Yara is not happy after all, she's been preparing for that throne for years and manages to reduce her brother to tears.

The tension's finally reached breaking point for Jorah and Daario. The trailer becomes very dark and choppy at this point, so we can't be totally sure – but is that Daario Jorah's fighting in Essos? The pair of love rivals have been on the trail of Daenerys ever since she was captured by the Dothraki at the end of season five, and so far have managed to keep their feelings under control.

Meanwhile, Daenerys has been put in Vaes Dothrak, the temple where Kahl widows live out the rest of their days alongside their dead husbands. Jorah was correct in working this out, so perhaps he's having a spat with one of Dany's Kahl protectors, instead. Either way, we hope she is released and set on her way back to her dragons in Essos soon.

Olenna Tyrell takes Kings Landing. Well, perhaps not literally, but everyone's favourite Game of Thrones grandma has appears to have teamed up with the Lannisters against the Faith Militant. Margaery and her brother Loras are still imprisoned in the cells underneath the Sept of Baelor, and both of them appear to be weakening under the Sparrows' brutal regime. Cersei is fearful that Margaery may be close to taking the same walk of shame that the Lannister queen faced at the end of Season 5 and Olenna's keen to stop it.

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