Monday, September 8, 2014

The Originals Season 2 Update 1 Minute Trailer of Murder and Chaos

Are you excited for the Originals season 2? Yes, im sure every originals fans are getting more excited after the first look of 30 second trailer last week. But it is more been exciting as they released this week a minute of trailer a look up for the upcoming season 2 premiere.

The newest look at The Originals season 2 is more of an extended version of our first look, but since we are all getting pretty desperate to find out more about what Julie Plec and company have in store for season 2, we’ll take what we can get.

While there’s a bit of overlap with the 30 second version from last week, there is quite a bit of new material to work with as well. Hayley’s admission that she went from mother to monster is heartbreaking, Elijah getting confronted with a seemingly naked woman is a little disturbing, and a better look at the face that Esther will be wearing, for at least a little while, has us ready for October.

It is comforting to know that at least one thing hasn’t changed. Klaus’ parting line, “A warrior fights for what they believe in. A warrior fights for his family,” takes us right back to the fundamental difference between the Mikaelsons and the rest of the Quarter: the Original family will always come back to each other.

With Rebekah out of town watching over Hope, we can’t help but wonder if/when we might be seeing a few other members of the Mikaelson clan. Surely even death isn’t strong enough to keep them apart for long. There are only a few short weeks left, and we’re certain that synopses and stills for the first few episodes are just around the corner, so make sure to check back for those.

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