Friday, November 14, 2014

The Originals Season 2 Episode 6 Sum Up Klaus Meets His Biological Father

Time to set back and watch the originals season 2 episode 6 don't forget to grab your popcorn.What do you do when your son you know, the child you purposely weakened in order to cover up your steamy indiscretions with a local werewolf hunk demands that you return his brother and his best suit in one piece? Why, you tempt him with the long buried truth about his real father of course. At least, that’s what the conniving Lenore a.k.a. Esther Mikaelson when Klaus came a-knocking on her door: she doused him with a cold, harsh of reality. As for the rest of the characters, they didn’t have it any easier. Ever the brave soul, Hayley sought out the MIA Jackson only to find him under the thrall of a creepy-ass mentor. Meanwhile, Cami, suspicious of her new advisor Vincent, turned to Marcel for help. Unfortunately, their little snoop session turned deadly when they discovered the truth about his true identity.

In a desperate attempt to play mind games with her son and distract him from saving Elijah from himself, Esther reveals a shocking truth. His real father is alive and his name is Ansel, just like the famed photographer/hunk who portrayed Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars. And the only reason she ever ignited a passionate affair with him was because Mikael went from loving husband to abusive tyrant. You see, after he returned home and found out that his firstborn had perished in his absence, Mikael freaked out as any parent would. However, instead of channeling his grief through tears and sadness he became cruel and intolerable, forcing Esther to run full-speed into the arms of another man. A few slow-jam-inspired, love-making sessions later, Baby Klaus came kicking and crying his way into the world. Oh and surprise: Ansel is alive and just so happens to be Jackson’s life guru! When Klaus comes face-to-face with him he gets all Old Testament Darth Vader on him: “Niklaus, I am your father.” Chills!

We finally find out the name of Esther and Mikael’s firstborn who passed away at a young age: Freya, named ofter the Norse goddess for beauty, love, and destiny. Apparently the poor little Viking died from the plague and this changed the course of the Mikaelson family.

Klaus coming to the rescue of the brother who’s always believed in his redemption. The almighty hybrid set his hubris aside for a few minutes and allowed his kind, gentle nature to emerge. He did this with Hope and now with the sibling who never quit on him even when he daggered him. He tries to wake him up but, unfortunately, Elijah is not in the right state of mind. Esther has inflicted some terrible magic on him, and he’s currently comatose, drifting deeper and deeper into his nightmares in which all his monstrosities are brought to light. But don’t worry, loves, because Klaus is far from happy about this situation and vengeance will be sweet. No one dares to mess with a hybrid’s favorite brother and gets away with it.

First, we learn that Esther has a sister named Dalia. Then, we learn that Esther visits her witchy sis in Norway in 972 A.D. and makes a deal: If she helps her conceive a child with Mikael, Esther promises to pays her debt back at a later time. Well, it appears jealousy and ruthlessness run in the family because Dalia appears at the end of the episode in a flashback demanding something heartbreaking from her own flesh and blood: her firstborn, Freya.

Apparently Dalia has claimed every firstborn born in their lineage, which is why Esther concocted the vampire spell in the first place. And perhaps the most heartbreaking moment of all? Learning that Freya was taken by force from her mother’s warm arms.

When Big Sis comes to collect her due payment, she rips a crying Freya away from her birth mom and carries her away right into a blizzard. That being said, this moment also provides fans insight as to why Finn is a total mama’s boy. He was old enough to witness what happened and respectful enough to carry the burden of her secret. And because of this, they have a unique bond.

According to what Esther tells Klaus, his birth renewed Mikael’s spirit and made him feel whole. This prompted the births of Henrik, Kol and Rebekah and, because of Klaus and his adorable dimples, they learned how to be a family again. Some might even say he brought them HOPE…..

The cat’s out of the bag. Marcel fills Cami on the latest gossip on the French Quarter namely, that Finn Mikaelson is masquerading around town as her advisor. Quite understandably, she freaks out because she’s revealed such intimate details about her life to a fraud. Once she settles down though, she agrees to lend a hand in distracting him via her psych student-babble deep and meaningful conversation. After inviting him out to drinks and pummeling him with questions galore, Finn grows suspicious of Cami’s sudden interest in him and why she wants to hear him assess Klaus’s personality. However, he shakes off any hesitation because, gosh darnit, he’s crushing on her harder than a Belieber on the Biebs. Even though Miss Camille is into the bad boys and not into mommy knickers-washing blokes, Finn seems to think he and his spiffy sweater vests have a shot. Cami notices his attraction towards her and let’s Marcel know that they can use this to their advantage.

Mama ‘I Know Everything’ Mikaelson apparently didn’t realize that Mikael had dropped by from The Other Side. Klaus breaks the news to her, and it really seems to rattle her. He smirks, elated to have one upped his mom, and reveals the Destroyer has risen again thanks to Davina. “Surely Kol has revealed everything to you?” he muses. “Or is mother’s loyal, little boot licker not quite so loyal after all?” Judging by Esther’s stunned expression, it appears as though Kol won’t be getting dessert after supper for a couple of weeks. Anyway, shouldn’t Esther be more thrilled to learn her hubby’s back? Well, when you think about it, he’s trying to kill their kids while she’s trying to save them so his reappearance kinda puts a damper on her plans.

After Klaus dismisses Hayley’s offer to help him hunt down Elijah, she turns to Marcel and Gia (Nishi Munshi). They’re unable to find Elijah despite their best efforts, so they decide to track down Oliver instead. Once they figure out his whereabouts, they can gather clues about where Elijah’s being held captive. So what’s the plan? Marcel and Gia distract Finn, who’s controlling the werewolves, while Hayley tracks down the pack’s hunky alpha, Jackson.

Sad news, sweethearts. Olly is gone to a land that is not where Bonnie Bennett is meaning, he can’t ever come back. While trying to help Hayley free their werewolf pack from Finn and Esther’s control, Olly ran into the aforementioned individuals and got chained up and tormented. we did appreciate his soft spot for children so we didn’t appreciate seeing him tortured.

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