Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Originals Season 2 Episode 5 Sum Up Red Door

Everyone is just getting excited as Nina Dobrev will be in this episode of The Originals as the original doppleganger Tatia. Let us wrap up the originals season 2 episode 5.

Elijah is bloodied up and stalking a girl, who looks a lot like Hayley, down a hall. He reaches her, spins her around, and she looks like Elena now, or, rather, Tatia. He sinks his teeth into her neck, and awakes with a start.

Elijah has found himself chained up in the witches tomb/all purpose room that we have seen used so many times before. Esther, now in Lenore’s body, won’t let him go until she has said her peace. Esther wants to show Elijah the monster he truly is by revealing how he destroyed Tatia, not her.

Elijah looks on as Tatia and Klaus dance around a pyre. She looks for Elijah, however, and as soon as he walks away, she chases after him. We learn that Tatia has already lost a husband to battle, and that she was supposed to throw herself on the pyre as was customary for their time. She tells him that she has chosen to give her heart to him, and they have their kiss by the pig pens.

Kaleb and Cami are attending to Davina while Klaus hangs in the doorway threatening and being generally surly. He hands over the stake to Cami, and sends her to get the car to take Davina to the hospital. As soon as they’re alone, Klaus lets Kaleb know that he is well aware that Kol is in control of this body. They bicker, as always, and when Klaus calls to Cami and gets no response, he runs to the car to find her gone, the window bloody, and Mikael no longer lying prone in the trunk.

Klaus calls Elijah for reinforcements, then asks Kol/Kaleb to wake Davina so she can call Mikael back. He refuses. Klaus whooshes off to find Mikael while Kaleb tends to Davina, ignoring a call. When his nose begins to bleed, he answers the second call and we find out that it’s Finn. He tells Finn of Davina’s plan to unlink her friends from Klaus, then kill him.

Mikael and Cami are tromping through the woods. When Mikael tells her of his intentions to use her as leverage, she balks, shaming him for holding Klaus’ parentage against him as his fatal flaw. Mikael hushes her and goes off in search of food. They stumble across a party in the woods, AKA a buffet.

Kaleb finds what Davina was using to bind her spell, and she wakes. Kaleb tells her what’s been going on, and she sets her sights on finishing her spell before Mikael can find Klaus and kill him. Hayley goes to Marcel to let him know that the young wolves they rescued are safe and sound, only to realize that Elijah isn’t answering calls. She senses something is going on, and races off to find him, Marcel on her heels.

Elijah hasn’t fed in a while, prompting Esther to reminisce about what she and Mikael did to their children. We then flash back to a wooded area where Klaus sits cowering in fear, human body parts strewn around the clearing. Elijah arrives on the scene and tells his brother that he slaughtered six villagers. Klaus shakes with horror at what he’s become. The boys discover that Klaus is afflicted differently than any of the other Mikaelson siblings. Tatia stumbles on the scene, and Elijah remembers that he compelled her to forget what she saw.

Esther sends him back to the memory, and we see Elijah reassuring Tatia that he loves her, and that he wouldn’t hurt her. As they stand there, Elijah smells blood on her and feeds.

Mikael compelled the entire party to stand tall in front of Klaus and insult him. Klaus begins tearing them down.

Dawn has come and gone, and Mikael marches Cami into an abandoned building. They fight, Cami standing up for Klaus and reiterating that his mother’s infidelity should not be held against him, while Mikael regales her with Klaus’ laundry list of sins. He recalls Henrik’s and Esther’s deaths as fodder for his hatred toward Klaus. Cami tries to reason with him that his violence is pointless, but Mikael just simply laughs to her face.

As Klaus fights the horde, Mikael feeds on Cami. Klaus gets a call from Hayley, who is looking for help finding Elijah. She and Marcel found a blood trail to follow. Klaus cannot help though, as he has the matter of Mikael to attend to. Klaus insists that either himself or Mikael will be ash by the time this confrontation is done.

Davina continues working her spell, but is having no luck. She goes to channel Kaleb’s power, and learns of Kol’s true history. They start hexing each other until Kol calls it off, and tells her all about the craziness of the Mikaelson parents. He tells her that he either had to kill the spell or kill her, and he has grown to like Davina, so he killed the spell. She asks him how he unspelled her bracelet and freed Mikael, and he promises to show her.

Elijah accuses Esther of tampering with his memories. He doesn’t remember harming Tatia, but as he stands before her, she tells him of how she allowed him to forget his wrongdoing. She gave him the ability to maintain his nobility by hiding his indiscretions behind the red door in his mind. Throughout the centuries, as long as he looked presentable, he could keep his secrets locked away.

Elijah looks her in the eye and defies her, saying that she will never break him. She tells him that he is already broken, but not beyond repair. She can, and will, fix all of her children.

…with a little help from her friend Davina wants to break the spell on the White Oak Stake, and Kol tells her that an object that powerful can only be disabled for a short time.

Klaus enters the abandoned building and Mikael is waiting with Cami’s bloody body in his clutches. They fight. Kol tells Davina that she needs his power to do the spell, and she channels him. Klaus falls with the White Oak Stake in his heart, but rather than dying and burning up, he only falls. Davina and Kol were successful. Cami pulls the Stake from Klaus’ chest just in time as the spell dies.

Mikael finds Cami holding the stake and threatens her. Marcel walks onto the scene and slaps Mikael around. Mikael gets the upper hand, but only temporarily. The entire band of them stand together, and Mikael runs off.

Marcel isn’t happy with Davina, what with her bringing Mikael back and all, but Kol stands up for her. Marcel may not know who he is, but we think he senses that something more is going on than Davina just having found a friend. Davina holds the White Oak Stake, and intends to use it to kill Klaus.

Esther tells Elijah that he will hang where he stands until he remembers all of his atrocities, and that when he is weak, she will release him. As Esther finished, Hayley drained her, freed Elijah, and kissed him before letting him feed on her. We then see that this is all a dream, as Elijah remains shackled where he stood, eyes open, yet lost in another place.

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