Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15 “East”

Last night episode of the walking dead season 6 episode 14 “Twice as Far” is getting more exciting and their is only two episodes more before the series left season 6. AMC has released two previews for next week's episode East, airing Sunday, March 27 at 9 PM.

Twice as Far episode is a twist that we didn’t expect at all with all the spoilers that are rushing out in the internet and even into the comic book still Robert Kirkman manages to change it. The show essentially changed a comic book moment where, in issue 98, Abraham Ford is killed out of the blue, when an arrow pierces his skull. Instead of Abraham, it was Denise Cloyd, Alexandria's local doctor, who was struck by an arrow fired by the Savior Dwight, who had stolen Daryl's crossbow and motorcycle earlier this season, after Daryl had saved him. After Denise is killed Dwight and his group of Saviors ambush Daryl and Rosita, leading to another iconic comic book moment shown in last night's which involves Eugene, who had been captured by the Saviors.

The end of last night's episode also featured another bombshell, when Carol left a note for her new boyfriend Tobin, stating she was leaving Alexandria and she doesn't want anyone to come looking for her.

The preview for East shows Daryl leaving Alexandria on his own, presumably going to look for Carol. We also see that Michonne, Glenn and Rosita have left to look for Daryl, but they find his motorcycle hidden in the woods. It's worth noting that the synopsis for this episode teased a "horrible situation they may not be able to overcome." Could this mean that Daryl and or Carol are killed in this episode?

In the next episode of The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15 “East”, Alexandria is alerted after realizing someone is missing. Several search parties will venture out, but what they find isn't what they're hoping for.

We also have a clip from East that shows Rick and Michonne in bed, where Michonne reveals that Jesus "came through," although we don't know for sure what they're referring to. Rick wants Michonne to stay in bed with her, but she has to leave because Maggie has them on a schedule, and she doesn't want to piss off the pregnant lady. After this episode we'll see the season finale on April 3, which will introduce fans to an iconic villain many have been waiting years for.

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  • The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15 “East” Last night episode of the walking dead season 6 episode 14 “Twice as Far” is getting more exciting and their is only two episodes more before the series left season 6. AMC has released two previews for next week's episod… Read More


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