Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 11 500 Years of Solitude Summary Plus Promo

Tired of having to apologize to Elena for the unstoppable parade of skeletons from his closet, Damon decided to let her go again. She didn’t want to break up, but he insisted, leaving her alone to weep by the fireplace.

Dear friends, can we all agree how stupid that was? I get that this show loves dragging its main couples through the ringer, and I agree that ‘happy’ Damon and Elena were starting to get stale, but did he really need to dump her so suddenly? It’s always one step forward, three steps back with Damon and I’m not sure it’s even worth Elena’s effort anymore.

In other news, Damon’s long-awaited reunion with Enzo went less-than-swimmingly. Still bitter about Damon leaving him for dead back in the ’50s, Enzo wasn’t exactly willing to help him find Elena, instead engaging him in a fight to the death. Neither ended up dying, obviously, but they did share an oddly romantic pause while Damon literally held Enzo’s heart in his hand. It was nice.

OK, now let’s talk about Enzo for a minute; more specifically, let’s talk about how much I love him. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but he’s bringing a certain something to the show that’s been missing this season. Maybe it’s his accent, reminding me of Mikaelsons past, or maybe he’s just the perfect foil for Damon. Either way, I hope he sticks around forever and ever.

Speaking of emotional baggage from decades past, Katherine spent the hour bonding with Nadia over her new found desire to stay alive until Nadia realized her interest had everything to do with Stefan, and nothing to do with her.

Still, Nadia gave Matt the Traveler’s Knife in case Katherine decided to dump her dying chassis and soul-jump into a new body, which she did but her change of heart may have come too late. The episode ended with poor old Katherine falling down the stairs, having suffered from an apparent heart attack.

I kind of figured Katherine wasn't long for this world that girl has survived way too many times but you’ve got to hand it to The Vampire Diaries writers; before killing Katherine off for good, they totally made us care about her, nearly making us forget all of the horrible things she’s done over the years.

In the next episode of the vampire diaries season 5 episode 11 “500 Years of Solitude”, As she faces a new crisis, Katherine remembers the traumatic night in 1490 when she gave birth to the daughter who was immediately taken from her. Stefan lets Elena, Caroline and Bonnie know that Katherine’s health has taken a turn for the worse, while Damon, Matt and Jeremy discuss some of Katherine’s most notorious moments. Nadia comes up with a frightening plan to protect her mother, and Stefan and Elena are forced to help her. Meanwhile, Caroline is mortified when she realizes she forgot to fill Elena in on the latest shocking gossip, then indulges in a little scandalous behavior of her own. Finally, Elena and Katherine share an unexpected moment of connection.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

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