Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 15 Gone Girl Summary plus promo

We are all seems misses Elena in the episodes of TVD after Katherine taken her body but definitely Katherine pisses me off pretending to be Elena all the time and playing with the fire with Stefan. For a minute, we were a little worried that Katherine’s plan was going to work. She engaged in a hot make out session with Stefan but being the good brother he is, he stopped the wicked activity from taking place. Yes, we were disappointed, but he was too focused on saving his ripper-turned brother. I’ve got to say, even though I’m totally Team Delena, I had a total soft spot for Stefan when he told Kathena he understood Damon’s pain by saying, “You don’t know what it’s like being in love with you.” Then I remembered that the “you” he was referring to was Elena . . . not Katherine.

Here we go again with the travelers after the Travelers teamed up with Dr. Wes, Damon and Enzo were pretty much forced to work together or else Damon was going to feed on someone and Enzo’s the only Vamp around. Enzo was given a chance to escape, and we’re so glad he took it because Damon totally would have killed him.

Lucky for us, Stefan and Kathena showed up since Enzo called them and Stefan let his bro know that the “ripper” act was his thing. Ok, so really he just told him he understood. For a minute, we thought Katherine was being all sweet pretending to be Elena. She cut herself and let herself bleed in front of him, showing him that his love for Elena was stronger than his thirst . . except it wasn’t and he attacked her, causing Stefan to step in. Obviously, Kathena’s plan was for this to happen so Stefan could kill him and Katherine and Stefan could be happily ever after. Instead, Stefan cut himself to draw Damon away, and then knocked him out and locked him up.

Meanwhile, Matt was still the only one who knew that the girl they all think is Elena is actually Katherine. So Nadia thought it was best to get him out of town at first, but after she realized she kinda liked him, they headed back home to find Caroline and Tyler’s awkward silence.

After some bonding, Matt proved why he’s still alive he’s hot and he knows how to use it. He made out with Nadia, getting her all hot and bothered just to use her phone to try and protect Elena. He only wrote “Help. K” and somehow sent that to Caroline before Nadia caught him and compelled him to forget it all.

Cue Tyler and Caroline to save to the day. Tyler bit Nadia, which means she’ll be dead soon, but it was Caroline who was feeling dead inside. Tyler apologized for everything he had put Caroline through. She jumped at that, thinking it meant they’d be back to their hybrid-vamp romance. However, he made it clear that while he was sorry, he wasn’t over it . . . he had a good point she slept with the guy who killed his mom.

Cue Stefan to cheer her up. He came in to chat with his BFF who shared with him the weird text she got from Matt but that she didn’t know what it meant since he was compelled. Stefan shared that Damon thought Elena wanted him to kill him. Caroline knew that Elena would never do that she realized that at about the same time that Stefan realized that “K” in the text meant Katherine.And, boom goes the dynamite.

It is about to hit the fan next week because they know Katherine is pretending to be Elena, seducing Stefan, and breaking Damon down further and further. That’s right Katherine’s secret’s out, and we can’t wait to see how everyone will react. Finally they figure it out im sorry Katherine!

In the next episode of the Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 15 entitled Gone Girl, While Nadia remembers her centuries-long search for her mother, Stefan, Caroline and Matt come up with a desperate new plan to save Elena’s life. For the second time, Bonnie and Jeremy must turn to Liv for help. Damon baits Tyler into a nasty confrontation, then takes off to seek revenge on Dr. Wes. Caroline and Tyler come to a new understanding. Finally, Bonnie learns of a terrifying secret that will threaten the lives of all her friends.

Here is the preview of the upcoming episode:

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