Friday, March 4, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 15 Is It Goodbye for Damon?

In the next episode of the vampire diaries Damon will make a game changing decision? If you just seen the trailer of the latest episode of TVD it really very clear that Damon will leave Stefan and make his own decision again.

“I’m not a good brother when I’m not with Elena,” he tells Stefan. “And when I’m not a good brother people get hurt.” We then see Damon hunting down Rayna Cruz, the new slayer, through the woods; she appears to be trapped in a hole of some sort, so he takes advantage of the situation and aims a gun right at her head. During this same voice-over, we also see him stroking Elena’s coffin with a longing look on his face and ultimately climbing into one himself.

Stefan, however, is not on board with Damon’s plan to indulge in a 60-year nap while Mystic Falls burns. Considering he’s been marked by the huntress and has to spend the rest of his life on the run, he needs Damon’s help now more than ever. “I sacrificed everyone and everything for you and you’re just going to turn your back on me?” he argues, angry that his brother is abandoning him in the middle of a life-or-death crisis.

It is because Damon is still in the hard time in facing the reality that Elena is isn’t in his life anymore and he thinks to his self that everything also will fine if he isn’t around to messed up things.

So Damon is making the right thing or he is just a coward’s way out? Obviously, as we know from all the flash-forward scenes, Stefan wakes him up three years from now so it’s not like Ian Somerhalder himself is going anywhere but that doesn’t make Damon’s decision hurt any less.

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