Friday, March 4, 2016

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 12 “Souls of the Departed” Released Synopsis

Everyone Once Upon a Time fans let’s pack our bags because our favorite fairytale drama will be back this coming Sunday night and we are going back to the Underworld. Yup it is gonna be more interesting to watch.

The show went out in the hiatus stage in the past December and after a couple months of breaks they are finally returning in our television and we don’t want to miss any actions as they return. Emma, Snow, Charming, Regina and some of our favorite characters are back and straight back to Hell. And this isn’t part of a relaxing, yet fiery, vacation. The group will be on a mission to rescue Hook.

This coming Sunday episode 12 will be aired entitles “ Souls of the Departed”. Emma, teamed with the entirety of her expansive family unit, arrives in the Underworld on a mission to rescue Hook, only to discover that the search will be more difficult than originally anticipated. The inhabitants of the Underworld - a conglomeration of souls with unfinished business, many of whom harbor quite personal vendettas - hound our heroes at every turn. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, a familiar face from the Evil Queen's past returns to present her with the perfect birthday gift.

As the show will be back we will also remember the winter finale in the last episode of the series concluded with the Dark Ones marking the residents of Storybrooke. Those marked would get dragged to the Underworld when the moon reached its peak that night. However, Emma was determined to stop the Dark Ones before they claimed any living souls on land and she had a deadly plan in mind.

With Regina’s help, Emma plotted to take all the darkness and have the former evil queen use Excalibur on her. But unfortunately for the two heroes, Hook and Nimue figured out what they were up to. Hook managed to get his hands on Excalibur, leaving Emma back at square one. Regina had one last trick up her sleeve, though. She reminded Hook about his father and the man he always wanted to be. That prompted Hook to gather all of the magic of the Dark Ones in Excalibur and hand the sword over to Emma.

Hook’s death wasn’t the biggest shocker of the episode though. It was revealed that Gold had tricked everyone. He had Excalibur in his possession along with the power of every single Dark One. Emma discovered Gold’s betrayal and made a deal with him to keep the secret from Belle Gold would help her get to the Underworld to bring Hook back. As for the pesky rule that you must trade a life for a life? Emma revealed she plans to share a heart with Hook. Once Upon a Time Season 5, episode 12 airs on ABC on Sunday, March 6 at 8 p.m. EST.

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