Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Originals Season 1 Episode 11 Après Moi, Le Déluge Summary Plus Preview

It is the girl power night n the previous episode of the series originals and the betrayals comes in the other way. The first betrayal came courtesy of, who was forced to sell out Elijah by tracking down the body of Celeste Dubois, a witch he promised to keep hidden. It was a nasty little plan concocted by Sophie, who explained that her bloodline executed the curse on Hayley’s family.

Long story short, Celeste is not someone to be trifled with dead or alive and her return was foretold in Davina’s creepy bedroom drawings. When Elijah put two-and-two together at the end of the hour, it became clear that we’re in for some bad times in the Big Easy.

Honestly, I’m mostly disappointed with how Hayley’s betrayal will affect her relationship with Elijah. I’m not afraid to admit I’ve been shamelessly shipping them since their near-kiss in the pool, and when he finds out she helped Sophie unleash Celeste, he shan’t be pleased.

Back-stab No. 2 was delivered by Marcel who unbeknownst to Klaus made a secret deal with Sabine after the rest of her witch friends fell victim to Davina’s magical grip of angst death. He convinced her to work her witchy juju to heal Davina of the poison Klaus tricked her into drinking. It worked, but sadly, not for everyone who sipped the toxic water.

I’m referring, of course, to everyone’s favorite ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ Tim, who suffered the most tragic death in Originals history. Yes, I realize there have only been 10 episodes, but seriously… You can’t tell me you didn’t get all choked up watching Davina weep over Tim’s dying body.

The final betryal and my personal favorite came from Rebekah, who pretty much launched her own secret claim to New Orleans, with Davina as her “inside” girl. I’ve always loved Rebekah, and when given the opportunity, she’s been known to forge some great partnerships with other women.

In the next episode of Originals Season 1 Episode 11 Après Moi, Le Déluge, When Davina becomes violently ill and the repercussions soon begin to affect the entire French Quarter, Marcel, Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah rush to find out what is going on. Sophie approaches the others with some startling information about the Harvest Festival and presents a drastic plan to save Davina. Elsewhere, Hayley is racked with guilt as she comes clean to Elijah about her role in Sophie’s plan. Last, a sequence of unforeseen events sends shockwaves through the French Quarter.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

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