Monday, July 7, 2014

True Blood Season 7 Episode 3 Sum Up Alcide Dies

The cold open was set in Los Angeles, where Sarah is enjoying a yoga lesson. It was far less exciting than last week’s start in which Jason had his fantasy about Eric, but we’ll explain the reason for her appearance in a moment. The true blood season 7 episode 3 “Death is a dark and blinding, whether you see it coming or not.” Sunday’s heartbreaking, game-changing True Blood, which took the life of yet another beloved resident of Bon Temps.

Desperate to save her friends and Sam’s pregnant girlfriend from the basement of Fangtasia, Sookie hatched one of her classic half-baked plans to lure the Hep-V vampires into the open. Bill followed along, mostly to take part in the maiming, but also to spend time with his ex, who’s apparently been having massive doubts about her love for Alcide. “Maybe you’ll grow to love him more,” Bill said, a sentence not even he believed.

Now here’s the craziest part: Sookie’s plan actually kind of worked! Then, without warning, a bullet pelted Alcide in the forehead, sending his giant naked body tumbling to the ground. Given the opportunity to bring him back as a vampire, Sookie declined, sealing Alcide’s fate forever.

Eric spent the entire hour reflecting on Sylvie, a delightful French gal he used to bang back in the late ’80s. It was right around the introduction of Tru Blood, and Eric’s refusal to go along with the Authority’s plan cost him the life of his sweet, sweet Sylvie. He was actually forced to choose between saving Sylvie or Pam, and I’ll give you one guess which choice he made.

Sarah Newlin is back again in the show. She appears to have left her mad days behind her in favor of a deep-breathing, self-reflective lifestyle, but come on, do you really buy that? Either way, yoga won’t save her once Pam and Eric come calling, just as it didn’t save her guru lover.

Fresh out of his shower last episode, Alcide finds that Sookie has run over to Bill’s house. “I know she came here, I can fucking smell her,” Alcide yells at Mr. Compton’s door, but they’re already gone. In the car, Bill asks Sookie to take his blood in order to help her. He gets a little too much pleasure from her sucking, so she reminds him that she’s got a boyfriend.

Sookie sets herself up as “vampire bait” for the H-Vamps and reminds Bill of the time he described her as such. She confesses that she really loves Alcide, but “I’m afraid that I don’t love him as much as he loves me.” Sookie grows impatient waiting for the vampires, in part because her smell should be drawing them to her. Bill hits on her by complementing her smell. In a flashback, Bill takes a family photo before he heads off to war.

The H-Vamps finally show up with Holly, but it doesn’t go as planned. They attack Bill, but Alcide, Jason, Andy, and others kill them quickly. Alcide yells at Bill for listening to Sookie, and shockingly Alcide gets shot and killed by Lou, someone on Vince’s side. Sookie decides not to turn him into a vampire because she’s “been down that road before.”

We were surprised that Alcide was killed off, but these are the types of sacrifices that we can expect during a final season because the show runners don’t have to worry about these characters in the future. We suppose this means that Sookie will now seriously consider getting back with Bill, a pairing that fans have been hoping would come true before the story ends.

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