Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 14 No Exit Summary Plus Promo

Damon is in the danger after he get damp by Elena aka Katherine in her body and it makes Damon as demon in the mystic falls and his first victim is Elena’s friend Aaron. Bad doesn’t even begin to describe Damon’s new attitude. The blue-eyed monster is completely off his rocker, and he doesn’t give a flying crow who he hurts in achieving his goal. In fact, based on his actions this week particularly threatening to kill Jeremy yet again he’s smoldering dangerously close to the villain category.

And the episode’s final twist certainly didn’t help Damon’s situation. After a tense confrontation with Wes’ little back-up coven, Damon awoke to find himself injected with some the good doctor’s homemade brew and now he’s a vampire-eating machine! Needless to say, the terrified look on Enzo’s face was completely justified. Bad doesn't even begin to describe Damon’s new attitude. The blue-eyed monster is completely off his rocker, and he doesn't give a flying crow who he hurts in achieving his goal. In fact, based on his actions this week particularly threatening to kill Jeremy yet again he’s smoldering dangerously close to the villain category.

And the episode’s final twist certainly didn’t help Damon’s situation. After a tense confrontation with Wes’ little back-up coven, Damon awoke to find himself injected with some the good doctor’s homemade brew — and now he’s a vampire-eating machine. Needless to say, the terrified look on Enzo’s face was completely justified.

Meanwhile, Katherine did everything super humanly possible to win back Stefan including pretending to be worried about Jeremy. And while I won’t deny that Katherine is an evil, soul-sucking wretch, I have to applaud her acting abilities. She has everyone fooled, including Stefan, with whom she shared a tasty little moment at the end of the episode.

He gave her a big speech about how, ever since Damon and Elena got together, he’d been waiting for Damon to do something to screw it up. But somewhere along the way, he stopped waiting for him to fail because liked the person that become.” Sensing an opportunity, Katherine went in for a hug and right on cue, Caroline walked in on them, getting the completely wrong idea. Or is it the completely right idea? Honestly, I’m curious how Stelena fans feel about what’s happening between Stefan and Katherine. Yes, Stefan thinks she’s Elena but she’s not. So, would their hookup even be a victory?

TVD also introduced a few new faces beautiful faces, as always that each played vital roles in the evening’s shenanigans. There was Sloan, a mysterious young witch who clued Wes in about Aaron’s death and warned him that Damon and Enzo was hot on his trail; and Liv, another young witch Bonnie recruited to cast a locator spell on Wes.

Liv ended up bugging out not everyone has what it takes to roll with Mystic Falls’ finest but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her, which is good, because there’s something about her I really like. And with Bonnie running low on power these days, the gang need all the magical allies they can get. On a slightly lighter note, Matt and Tyler caught up with Nadia over drinks this week. They reminisced about memories past, like when Tyler slept with Matt’s mom, and when Katherine tried to bury Matt alive in a safe. Things took a nasty turn, though, when Matt figured overheard Nadia’s phone call and figured out that Katherine has taken over Elena’s body.

In the next episode of the vampire diaries season 5 episode 14 entitled No Exit, As Damon’s behavior escalates from destructive to deadly, Stefan begins to regret their last conversation and decides to track Damon down and intervene. For reasons of her own, Elena (Katherine) volunteers to come along. Dr. Wes enlists the Travelers to set a trap that will once again test Damon’s friendship with Enzo. After a heart-to-heart talk with Nadia, Matt enlists Caroline and Tyler’s help to protect Elena, leading to a violent confrontation. Later, when Stefan tries to comfort a dejected Caroline, their conversation leads to a horrifying realization.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

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