Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 21 She’s Come Undone Summary Promo and Sneak Peek

This is the episode that I am waiting for so long to let Aria wakes up from her fairy tale dream and finds out the secrets of Ezra and finally the episode 18 of Pretty little liars season 4 turned out into a different version from what we have expected to be.

The madness began when Ezra convinced Aria out of the goodness of his heart, of course — that Spencer has herself a wee little drug problem. He was right, to be fair, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s as evil as he is gorgeous. In fact, bringing Spencer’s addiction to light was merely a ploy to distract the girls from the real issue at hand.

Hanna, Emily and Aria ambushed Spencer at her house, and while I enjoyed the dramatic scene it was like the world’s most glamorous episode of intervention it frustrated me that the girls, specifically Aria, refused to listen to Spencer because of her addiction. Why can’t they just accept that she’s the smart one and believe everything she says? Ugh. And she is taking pills because of her investigation about Ezra come on girls.

Ezra’s plan was reaching out to Mona for support, only that didn’t work out quite like he’d hoped. Maybe if he hadn’t interrupted Mona on her date with Mike, she’d have been more willing to help him!

I’m pretty sure Mona eventually had a change of heart and agreed to pose as Alison to freak out the girls at the zoo, but honestly, you just never know with this show.

Fortunately, Aria began to see through Ezra’s lies as soon as he started talking about the time Spencer thought she saw Toby in the woods, revealing details that only “A” would know.

Unfortunately for Spencer, Mrs.Hastings caught wind of her addiction the doctor’s office returned “her” call about refilling Spencer’s prescription — and it was basically “game over” from that point on.

The jig was truly up for Ezra when Aria broke into his cabin and found some of his secret writings, ones that described his past with Alison. This led to a very stressful chase through the woods I’m still having heart palpitations, to be honest and culminated in one of the most intense face-offs this show has ever delivered.

Conveniently trapped on a broken lift machine, Ezra managed to convince Aria poor, foolish Aria that he was writing a “true crime” book about Alison. He did admit that he took his job at Rosewood High and pursued his relationship with Aria for the sake of his book, but he claimed his feelings for her are still real.

The episode ended with Spencer’s mom confronting her about her problem, clearly at the end of her rope. “I can’t do this again,” she said, vaguely threatening a form of punishment I can’t even imagine at this point.

In the next episode of Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 21 entitled She's Come Undone, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are concerned for Aria as they watch their friend crumble after learning shocking news about Ezra. Not knowing what is true or what to trust, Aria goes looking for answers, not wanting to believe this revelation to be true. While concerned for Aria, Spencer is not doing so well herself. Trying to prove to her parents and Toby that she can kick the habit on her own, Spencer has to be careful because one misstep could send her to rehab. But can Spencer really rein it in, or will her constant curiosity and drive be her undoing?

Meanwhile, Paige has had enough with Emily’s secrets and is determined to stop it.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

Here is the sneak peek of the upcoming episode the Hastings Family Scene.

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