Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rip Off: The Originals Season 3 Episode 17 “Behind The Black Horizon”

This episode is an awful lot of death. It turns out The Originals are a lot like the aristocats everybody wants to be one. And on Friday’s episode of the Originals Season 3, two evil wannabes finally made their dream a reality.

That’s right, fellow humans Lucien and Aurora officially made the leap from regular ol’ vampires to original vampires. On crack. Or steroids. Or both. Either way, as Lucien explained, they’re an “upgrade” from the traditional model.

Lucien’s big transformation went down in Mystic Falls, where Deputy Blue Eyes attempted to send the entire undead gang packing. Unfortunately, just as the prophet Michael Narducci foretold, Matt was no match for Lucien 2.0. In fact, no one was able to take him down, which is how he was able to escape after injecting Finn with his dank new strain of super-venom.

Oh, that’s right… Finn died again this week. Don’t get me wrong, the actors put on a solid show during his impromptu funeral especially Riley Voelkel, whose story about Finn being her “first friend” could even move the Tin Man to tears but we already lost Finn once before, and I’m really a mourn-you-twice-shame-on-me kind of guy.

Even with all of that going down, though, I’d have to say my favorite part of the episode was the little ancestral subplot brewing back in New Orleans. Per Cami’s insistence, Davina tested Kol’s blood to see if he’d been cursed nd what do you know, she found the ancestors’ collective fingerprint all over it. But do Vincent and Davina really think they can take down the all-powerful ancestors? Win or lose, I can’t wait to see them try.

We also learned that Kol’s anger and super-thirst is the result of the ancestors messing with him. They couldn’t reach Davina since she’s been shunned, so they’ve cursed Kol. Vincent is not cool with this, so he meets with Davina at St. James Bar to discuss stopping the ancestors from using people once and for all. We are definitely on board with stopping the ancestors. They’ve caused more problems than they’ve stopped over the years, and not just with the Originals. If the ancestors can be cut off from the living, there would be a much easier road to peace. Oh, and wasn’t Matt pretty adorable as Mystic Falls vampire protection force? He definitely meant business, even if he was facing a pair of Originals. You go Matt. Do your thing.


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