Thursday, April 28, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6: What If Women Ruled Westeros

The Season 6 premiere of HBO’s Game of Thrones reminded fans that it is not just the kings of Westeros that are vying for the iron throne. Many of the women are, too, and some of them — particularly those without royal titles may even stand a better chance of taking over the coveted chair. But the Season 6 premiere Episode 1 entitled “The Red Woman” showed without a doubt, that the women of Westeros are a force to be reckoned with.

Brienne of Tarth may just be the one who could defeat everyone, given enough time. Already she has killed the Hound and Stannis. And while no one at all seems to be able to locate any of the remaining Stark women, Brienne managed to do so within a relatively short time. Just imagine how much she could achieve if she sided with Daenerys and her dragons?

Speaking of Daenerys, while she is currently being held by the Dothraki, her true character, her determination, and strength shone in this episode. While the Dothraki had no idea who they had captured, Daenerys bit her lip and patiently waited to find the perfect time to let the Dothraki know just who they were dealing with. Even when it turned out her words were sending her to the Dothraki equivalent of a nunnery, she was still determined to find a way around this new complication.

In Dorne remember that place that no one really cares about now that Oberyn Martell is dead? everything is going to hell in a handbasket for the men. Ellaria and her trusty Sand Snakes is on a mission to take down everyone. As a result of this, Oberyn’s brother, Doran, and his son, Trystane, are killed and Ellaria swears no more “weak men” will ever rule Dorne again. Does that mean she is planning to take the crown? Interesting to note is the Easter egg involved in the death of Trystane.

Sansa Stark learns the hard way that water is cold but, when forced to, she can cross it. It is this turning point where she realizes she is actually stronger than she thinks. Once Brienne of Tarth steps in and saves her from being returned to her cruel husband, Ramsay Bolton, she swears an oath with her savior and steps up to take the plate she has been served.

However, some Game of Thrones fans considered it a defeat for Sansa’s sister, Arya Stark, in Episode 1 of Season 6. For others, it was seen as just another lesson for Arya to learn on the road to becoming the brilliant fighter we all know she will be. Even blinded, she still took up the stick given to her and tried her very best to defeat a hidden enemy.

But there were some other weaker women moments in Episode 1 of Game of Thrones as well. Surprisingly, they came from the two women who are considered among the strongest women of Westeros. Cersei Lannister was devastated to learn the witch’s prophecy we saw in the Season 5 premiere of Game of Thrones starting to come true with the death of her second child, Myrcella. While fans got to see Cersei finally soften as she tried to deal with the death of a child whom she considered too pure to be her own, it was her brother and lover, Jaime, that managed to lift her above her grief.

The red woman of the Episode 1 title Melisandre also suffered a losing blow in Season 5 of Game of Thrones when Stannis Baratheon died before her prophecy came true. Then, in Season 6, she arrived at Castle Black in order to oversee her new prophecy of Jon Snow being victorious. That prophecy was also shattered when she found Jon dead in the snow. Only time will tell now just how Melisandre recovers from her religion failing her.Regardless of their highs or lows throughout Game of Thrones, these women show they are capable of victory.

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