Friday, April 29, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Bran Could Be The Key in Jon Snow Future and Past

With Game of Thrones following such a large number of characters and storylines, sometimes people get missed. Like Bran was for all of Season 5. But now he is back in Season 6 Episode 2 and it looks like his role is going to a game-changer.

The Season 4 finale of HBO’s Game of Thrones saw Bran Stark delivered into the care of the Three-Eyed Raven. HBO then made the decision to forgo the audience getting to see Bran in training, which was possibly a smart move. This meant that Isaac Hempstead-Wright got to sit out Season 5 of Game of Thrones. But now he is back and his training will potentially shake things up considerably in Season 6.

And it seems Bran will also be able to walk again if the promo still below that HBO released from Episode 2 of Game of Thrones is an indicator. The Episode 2 promo video shows only a very brief moment of Bran. His eyes are glazed, like he is warging. But then they clear and he takes a mighty breath. Isaac recently told EW that Bran would be like a Game of Thrones character but also like the audience as well, seeing everything that is going on across Westeros. So is the rest of the clip images of what he has seen in his visions? And how will he be able to help change things?

Interesting to note is the fact Bran will have visions of important events from the past, present, and future as he discovers just how important he will be in the Great War.

Could his visions of the past perhaps bring up Jon Snow’s true parentage? And then, could Bran perhaps be instrumental in resurrecting Jon Snow? After all, it is likely the history of Westeros will be delved into Game of Thrones season 6 is with one of the new trailers showing what appeared to be the battle at the Tower of Joy. Why is this important? Well, because that is where it is possible Jon Snow was born. And perhaps if Bran knew who Jon Snow’s real parents were, he would be instrumental in bringing him back to life.

And now the actor who plays Melisandre, Carice van Houten, has told the Independent that Melisandre has never brought anyone back to life. As the Independent points out, perhaps she could enlist someone else to help her. Could this be Bran’s job? Or could he help her using his new found knowledge? After all, Isaac did mention to EW that one of his upcoming scenes is one of the best he has ever done. Perhaps all of this might not happen in Episode 2 of Game of Thrones but in Episode 3 entitled “Oathbreaker,” which indicates Bran could delve into the past then.

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