Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer is Out Violence is Everywhere

Finally the long wait is over! Big thank you to HBO in releasing the most awaited Game of thrones season 6 trailer fans all over the world are so eager to watch it. It is almost a month and a half before the show is back fans are now happy for the trailer and yet eager for what is the next story line of the show in season 6. It is really a real deal for all us fans to take a look for the first time for what is gonna happen in the next season its getting more mysterious and deep for the every characters no doubt the Emmy award winning drama is being love by so many fans all over the world since it is the first novel by George R. R. Martins to be adapted.

Internet is keep spoiling us. The biggest headline that most of the fans are waiting for is all about Jon Snow. Yes we want images of Jon to keep it really true that he is back after those heartbreaking brutal death scene in season 5. Just this week also it is been confirmed that Jon is back in the season 6 but as a corpse. “He’s gone,” proclaims Ser Davos.

At King’s Landing, Jaime assures Cersei: “Everything they’ve taken from us they’re going to take back and more.” Later there’s an apparent face-off with members of the Faith Militant, who warn Cersei that “her man” The Mountain had best step aside “or there will be violence.” Cersei: “I choose violence.”

At Castle Black, Melisandre shows uncharacteristic doubt and grief about her abilities after last season’s senseless child sacrifice: “The great victory I saw in the flames, all of it was a lie.”

Bran Stark standing up (so it’s a vision, right?), and then seeing The Night’s King.

Ser Jorah finding that ring that Daenerys dropped in the season 5 finale after she was captured by a Dothraki clan. We also see a shot of the Dothraki charging.

A figure jumping off a roof. Could it be Arya? We also have a glimpse of her blind and being struck.

Armies in battle, including a quick cut to a flayed man on a crossbeam. (So, are the Boltons involved?)

“You’re in the great game now,” says Tyrion to an unseen person. “And the great game is terrifying.”

The trailer was set to a cover of “Wicked Game,” performed by James Vincent McMorrow.

Game of thrones are teasing us fans for months now and finally we can look up for what is happening next this coming April 24, 2016. This show is really one of the anticipated television shows of HBO being created. Don’t mess out just a month to go for the wait again. Valar Morghulis everyone.

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