Friday, May 8, 2015

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5 Kill the Boy

Game of Thrones predictions have been all over the place since the first Season 5 episodes were leaked. Sansa, Ramsay, Roose, and Walda Frey eating dinner together. Ramsay tells Reek/Theon that he should give Sansa away at their wedding. “Someone has to. What better person?” Reek says. This means that Sansa and Ramsay’s wedding is definitely happening and Sansa will have more interaction with Theon.

Aemon says, “You will have little joy of your command, I fear, but I think you have the strength in you to do the things that must be done. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Kill the boy. Kill the boy …” which is obviously what the episode’s title is referencing.

Stannis Will Leave For Winterfell Stannis has been talking about how he plans to march on Winterfell throughout Game of Thrones Season 5. Littlefinger, meanwhile, had promised Sansa that Stannis was coming and would make her Wardeness of the North. And the promo for “Kill the Boy” shows that he’s finally leaving Castle Black. So what will happen when Stannis gets to Winterfell and confronts the Boltons?

Tyrion Will Meet Daenerys Spoilers for Season 5 of Game of Thrones say Tyrion will meet up with Daenerys. There are even pictures of them watching the fighting pits while Jorah fights. In the books, Daenerys marries Hizdahr zo Loraq, the man who’s been arguing for the fighting pits to be reopened. They then watch the fighting pits. Will that happen soon? Could this be the big decision Daenerys has to make?

It looks like we’re at least getting closer to the point where Tyrion finally gets to Daenerys. In the promo for “Kill the Boy,” Tyrion and Jorah see one of Daenerys’ dragons fly over them.

“He’s curious. He’s heard so many stories about this woman. He hears that she’s a kindred spirit, someone who’s an outsider who’s been pushed to the edges, but has an unfortunate, dirty last name. Everybody associates the Targaryens with the Mad King. He wants to know her in person and is tired of hearing the stories. Varys helps convince him of the reality of her,” Peter Dinklage said.

“And I think dragons are a big part of it – everybody is denying the reality of these creatures and certainly Tyrion has as well. But just like Tyrion is going to the Wall in Season 1, he likes to see things first hand.” And Tyrion’s definitely going to see the dragon first hand. But will he see Daenerys soon?

There Will Be A Funeral For Ser Barristan Last week’s episode of Game of Thrones had a shocking ending when the Sons of the Harpy and the Unsullied got into a huge fight. And Ser Barristan died in the fight even though he’s still alive in the books. “I’m disappointed. But I think you have to accept – as I have accepted – that the demands of TV are different than the demand of book writing,” Ian McElhinney said.

The promo for “Kill the Boy” shows Daenerys having a funeral for Ser Barristan. But he wasn’t the only one who may have died during the fight. Grey Worm collapsed at the end of last week’s GoT. So will we see if he’s OK during “Kill the Boy”?

Brienne Will Continue To Try To Help Sansa Even though Sansa refused her help earlier in Season 5 of Game of Thrones, Brienne of Tarth still hasn’t given up on helping Sansa. The promo for “Kill the Boy” shows that Brienne will be on her way to Winterfell. “Sansa’s in danger even if she doesn’t realize it,” she says in the promo. So will Brienne get to Sansa soon? And will Sansa accept her help this time?

We’ll See More From Theon Theon/Reek hasn’t done too much on Season 5 of Game of Thrones. However, as the leaked clip shows, he and Sansa will finally come into more contact during “Kill the Boy.” And the synopsis did say that he was still under Ramsay’s control. So what else will Ramsay make Theon do? And will Theon ever fight back?

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