Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 10 Christmas Through Your Eyes Preview

Unfortunately all the beautiful traditions and Mystic Falls flashbacks featuring Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline as a trio of ordinary giddy schoolgirls who, by the way, are blissfully unaware that their lives will soon be torn asunder by good-looking bloodsuckers will be marred by three things: a. Stefan delivering devastating news to Care Bear, Enzo forcing Matt to help him “deplete every ounce of happiness from Stefan’s life, and Kai continuing his messy ritual of killing “friends” and family members during annual celebrations.

If Malachi Parker hasn’t already been placed on Santa’s naughty list, his behavior in The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 10 certainly will earn him a prime spot. According to the extended preview trailer, Kai not only stabs his own sister Jo inside a dingy crypt and then tries to siphon Liv’s magic again, but he also targets Elena and knocks her out with a crowbar. Honestly, he needs to take a chill pill, kick his feet up, and indulge in a gourmet hot chocolate beverage you know, in place of MURDER AND TORTURE.

What else is going on in Mystic Falls? Well, a handful of characters appear to be lingering at the local hospital so that’s a pretty alarming sign. Not only that, but they have tears in their eyes and are hugging it out hardcore which can only mean one thing: One of our precious endangered species humans is in mortal danger. Let’s just hope Enzo kept his neck-snapping hands off the “blond bowl of mush known as Matt Donovan.” Oh, and to add salt to injury, Bonnie is spending Christmas alone. Something about a winter holiday in May just doesn’t seem fun. Poor girl.

Anyway, enough of our semi-freaking out. Catch all the misery and near fatal attacks in the official promo video for “Christmas Through Your Eyes” below! Then drop us a comment telling us what you’d love to put in Kai’s stocking this year.

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