Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Vampire Season 6 Episode 5 The World Has Turned and Left Me Here Sum Up

Gear up your night every Thursday night with the vampire diaries season 6 in the the previous episode of the series, Stefan awakes to his phone ringing as Tripp tells him Enzo pointed him toward Savannah, GA, where Stefan is currently shacked up with his newbie vampire girlfriend. Ivy freaks out a little over Stefan’s distinct lack of helpfulness, and he snaps her neck after she comes at him rather ferociously.

Stefan barges into Caroline’s dorm looking for a babysitter for Ivy so he can get her a daylight ring from Luke. Caroline, reluctantly, agrees.

Alaric is in his element talking about the history of Whitmore’s Homecoming festivities. He wraps up his lecture with a little advice. “Never fall in love, especially with your brother’s girl.” Methinks he may be drawing from reality a little there.

Damon is chock full of hope which leaves Bonnie to be skeptical of their chance out of 1994. Damon is all set to kill anyone that gets in his way, but first they need to get the spell and the Ascendant from Kai. Damon starts digging into the tunnels while Kai skips off to town to gather some ‘supplies.’

Ivy and Caroline discuss all things Stefan, and Ivy is ready to get out of there. She’s gotten through Vampire 101 with Caroline, and now she wants to see how the whole snatch, eat, erase thing works in the real world. Ivy distracts Caroline with Scrabble and then snaps her neck and whooshes out of the dorm.

Stefan tells Alaric that he procured the daylight ring for Ivy from Luke (must be nice to play the ‘you’re responsible for my brother’s death’ card), and now he wants Alaric to compel Ivy to forget him so he can make a fresh start somewhere else. Alaric isn’t having it and Stefan tries to lay on the guilt because Alaric helped Elena. It’s a no go.

Just as Damon hits paydirt, Kai returns to the scene. He gathered a few things to take back with him (Zima, ARod’s rookie card, a pager?). He and Bonnie have a little spat where she challenges him to either give her the spell or make good on his threats to take her magic and kill her. He starts to take her magic and then stops. Bonnie realizes that Kai doesn’t know the spell, which means that they don’t need him. She hits him square in the chest with the pickax.

Tyler, who is driving while reading a text, hits a boy that Ivy drank from and skids off the road. He is knocked unconscious and his truck continues to plow into the corn maze, directly toward the bonfire. Alaric takes the doctor out of the way just in the knick of time.

Tyler survives the crash and climbs out of his truck only to find the young man that he hit bleeding on the ground. Tyler knows that if this kid dies, he will trigger his werewolf curse. Back in the maze, Liam is helping a girl injured in the crash, but Elena sends him off to help someone else and she gives the girl her blood to heal her.

Elena gets a phone call from Tyler, who hasn’t yet realized that he drove through the corn maze. When she regales him with this detail, he asks her what he’s supposed to do. She tells him to keep the boy he hit awake and she will get to him as soon as she can find Alaric. Caroline is wandering the streets looking for Ivy, and Stefan appears. He was on his way out of town after leaving Ivy’s daylight ring on Caroline’s doorstep. After reaming him out for almost dumping his vampire ex on her, Caroline and Stefan have it out again. He tells her how frustrating it is that he can’t just escape and start fresh, and she tells him that just a short time ago, she was hoping for Damon’s return so Stefan would come back to her. Damon is drinking Zima while Bonnie tells him all about her theories for escape. She thinks that with the Ascendant in her hands, she has all they need to get out of there. One VERY short spell later, Bonnie realizes that Kai didn’t kill her because he needed a Bennett to escape this prison.

The eclipse nears it’s apex, and one spell later the Ascendant opens up. Bonnie and Damon have a moment, and then BAM! Kai shoots her with an arrow out of nowhere. Damon whooshes to Bonnie’s side as Kai goes for the Ascendant. Bonnie warns Damon and he whooshes again to get to the artifact before Kai can run off. Bonnie scoops it up as the other two wrestle on the ground.

With the boy Tyler hit barely holding on, Tyler freaks out a little on Liv. She smothers the boy before he can die of natural causes. Tyler is no longer responsible for the boy’s death, and his curse remains untriggered.

Back at the maze, Elena is seconds away from offering up a little vampire blood to help a girl, but Liam traches the girl with a pen. With an open airway, the girl can now breathe easy, and it seems Tyler can too. No losses on his conscience. Before Liam and Elena leave, Liam notices the girl he couldn’t save earlier walking away. Bonnie knows she isn’t gonna make it out of there, so she uses a spell to get Damon in the proper location with the Ascendant and sends him back to the present in a shocking white light. She smiles as he is drawn up out of their prison, and then collapses on the ground.

Hopped up on painkillers, Jo tells Alaric that she finds him incredibly attractive and counts off his many fine attributes. After compelling her to find him boring and basically disgusting, she kisses him and ignores his compulsion.

Ivy is waiting on Caroline to arrive when Tripp shows up. He sees her covered in blood and mistakes her for a victim of the crash. He approaches her, she attacks, and he hits her with three tranquilizer darts. He loads her into the back of his van as Caroline watches helplessly.

Tyler finds Liv cleaning up at work where he confronts her about what she did for him. He tries to make her feel better about killing that boy to save him. He promises her that he won’t waste her sacrifice.

Stefan goes to the Salvatore crypt for a little one-on-one with his brother. He starts talking out loud about how he isn’t faring so well without him. Stefan throws a bottle against the wall, and Damon falls into the crypt just in time to catch it. He speaks straight to him and says, “It’s a hell of a long story brother, but I’m back.” Stefan can’t believe his eyes and they hug it out as Stefan bursts into tears along with the rest of us.

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