Monday, September 15, 2014

The Vampire Diaries Theory Will Elena Turn off Her Humanity?

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 is only a few weeks away from its premiere, and viewers have a couple dozen questions they want answered. One big one haunting the TVD fan base will Elena turn off her humanity switch?

The CW has released a couple of promo videos for the upcoming season, and each one shows the young vampire struggling with the loss of the love of her life, Damon. The trailers feature Elena crying alone, acting reckless, resorting to violence, feeding on humans, and using drugs to hallucinate Damon. All signs seem to be pointing toward Elena shutting off her humanity switch in order to not feel the pain anymore.

As fans of The Vampire Diaries know, Elena has resorted to flipping her humanity off in the past in order to deal with the loss of a loved one her brother, Jeremy. After Katherine aided Silas in the death of Jeremy in Season 4, Elena couldn’t grasp that her last remaining family member was gone. In the past few five years, the teen had endured the death of her adopted parents, biological parents, Aunt Jenna and guardian Alaric. With Jeremy gone, Elena felt that she had nothing left to live for. Damon convinced her to continue living on but without the pain. After she shut off her humanity switch she burned down her childhood home, attacked humans and was a downright brat to her closest friends.

Elena already went down the no humanity path and is familiar with the consequences, so it’s possible that she won’t resort to shutting off her humanity again. Season 6 spoilers also tease that her feelings of grief will flip at some point.

“She’s a smart girl, and Elena’s father was a doctor, so she’s trying to figure out how to help people and save people, just as her family."

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