Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pretty Little Liars Season 5 Episode 4 Thrown From The Ride

The thrill is on in the liars as the mysterious things are happening in the Rosewood. Ali lying in bed for days while he friends visit and try to get to eat or drink to no avail. She remains this way up until the day of Jessica’s funeral. Ali’s return to Rosewood has not been easy on her in the slightest and while it’s tragic, it’s a bit nice to see these different and more complex sides to Ali’s personality.

While waiting for Ali to get dressed, the girls begin a round of “Whodunit?” when discussing Jessica’s murder. Emily thinks it was Jason, Aria blames it on the deceased “A,” and we just sort of don’t really care who did it. We’d rather the writers solve the rest of the mysteries first before focusing on something new.

The episode skips right over the funeral, which we are grateful for. We think we’ve seen the girls enough times at that church. The girls are back at school and it doesn’t take long before Mona pounces on them with a “Get Well” card for Mr. Fitz and a side of blackmail to go along with it.

It appears that Emily has a new Swimfan in her life. Sydney just started at Rosewood and wants Emily to watch her while she swims. Not in a creepy way, more in an “I need help with my form” way. For now, at least. After school Ali and Hannah head to the funeral home to pick up the guest book when Hannah is mistaken for Ali by the funeral director. This brings Hannah’s insecurities to the surface as she remembers her days as “Hefty Hannah.” It’s been clear for over a season now that Hannah has been struggling with Ali being alive. We have a feeling we’re about to see a huge identity crisis go down with Hannah.

Aria has decided to head over to Ezra’s apartment when she thinks he is still in New York. She keeps insisting they are no longer together and if that’s the case then it’s pretty weird that she would go to his apartment. Before she has a chance to break in, though, Ezra emerges from his apartment. Apparently he has no clue that Shana is dead and warns Aria about how dangerous she is. Right now would have been the opportune moment to speak up, Aria. Thankfully she returns later on to tell him the truth. That’s a secret we really had no desire to see dragged out.

That night Hannah and Emily head to Philadelphia to investigate the place they followed Jason to in last week’s episode. All they find is that same crazy old man who confirms that Jason used it as a safe house to get sober in. At the Hastings household, Spencer is adamant on protecting Jason when Peter and Melissa do not trust him or the rest of the family. Spencer wants to know who Jessica was trying to help out but Melissa just tears up the email that Spencer had printed out.

The episode ends with Hannah heading straight to the hair salon for a new ‘do. We guess all those Mona flashbacks really went to her head. We always love a good makeover, though. Is it weird we’re mostly excited for next week so we can see the new Hannah?

In the next episode of Pretty Little Liars season 5 episode 4 Thrown From The Ride, With Ali now back in Rosewood, she attempts to regain the role of leader of the group, but she finds her four friends are not as willing to blindly follow her every whim as they once were. Besides feeling the pressure from Alison, Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer are also feeling under the microscope at school with the high school focusing their attention on the Liars. While most kids are morbidly curious about what happened to Ali, some are more focused on planning for Ali's return to school. Meanwhile, Aria's depression continues to spiral, and she looks for comfort from an unlikely source.

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