Aire Date: SUNDAY, APRIL 20 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)
Finally, "Game of Thrones" killed off a character everyone has been praying would die. Only two episodes into Season 4, Joffrey choked to death at his own wedding, meaning the mad king of Westeros' reign has finally come to an end.
Before we get to the royal wedding and the death of Joffrey, here are some of the other important events that happened in King's Landing. Tyrion finally ended his dalliance with Shae, and calls her a whore to make the breakup stick. He has Bronn take her to a ship to send her away, and Bronn later tells Tyrion at the wedding that the deed is done. But Tyrion is concerned by the news that Bronn was followed, which is valid considering fans know Tywin told Cersei to send Shae to the Tower of the Hand.
Jaime is also having personal issues and opens up about them to Tyrion during a cute lunch between the two brothers. Apparently Jaime is far less skilled in fighting with his left hand than he thought, so Tyrion has Bronn help Jaime train to swordfight with his remaining hand. The first step of Joffrey and Margaery's wedding celebration is the breakfast the pair hosts, where Joffrey continues to show what an obnoxious twit he is. Though it at first seems like he might have learned some restraint when he politely accepts Tyrion's gifts, he then proceeds to slash them to bits when Tywin presents him with his Valyrian steel sword.
The wedding ceremony between the king and his new queen goes off without a hitch, but it's at the celebratory feast that things start getting interesting. When the attendees are walking from the Sept of Baelor, Lady Olenna brings up to Tywin the fact that the Lannisters will likely soon be coming to the Tyrells to help pay off the massive debt the crown has to the Iron Bank of Braavos. With the amount of times the bank has been brought up recently, expect that storyline to get a payoff sooner rather than later. At the feast, there are a number of fantastic interactions between characters who haven't been around each other before. The Brienne and Jaime 'ship was set alight when Brienne meets Cersei, and Cersei flat out acknowledges that Brienne loves Jaime. Even though Cersei isn't particularly happy with her brother at the moment, Brienne better avoid the jealous queen at all costs.
Ramsay Snow and a young woman named Myranda use dogs to hunt a girl through the woods. Ramsay allows the dogs to rip the girl to pieces, because they earned it. Roose Bolton arrives at the Dreadfort, and introduces his new Frey wife, Walda. Roose wants to see Ramsay’s “prize.” “I trained him!” Ramsay says happily, admitting that he flayed and mutilated Theon. Roose is annoyed he wanted to use Theon to trade the Ironborn for Moat Cailin. Now, Theon is… missing a few crucial bits. “You’re not a Bolton, you’re a Snow,” he reminds his bastard. Annoyed, Ramsay reveals that Bran and Rickon Stark are still alive, devastaing Theon with the news that Robb is dead. Bolton orders Locke to hunt down Bran and Rickon. They believe they might find the boys with Jon Snow at the Wall. “Take the moat for our family, and I’ll reconsider your position,” Roose says to Ramsay.
On the way to Joffrey and Margaery’s celebratory breakfast, Varys tells Tyrion that Cersei knows about Shae. Tywin has threatened to hang the next whore he finds Tyrion with. At the breakfast, Tyrion watches as Cersei tells Tywin about Shae. As a wedding gift, Tyrion gives Joffrey a huge, very rare book on the lives of four great kings. Joffrey thanks Tyrion graciously for the gift, shocking the on-screen and off-screen audience. But when Tywin gives Joffrey the other Valyrian sword, he hacks the book to pieces. He names the sword “Widow’s Wail.”
Meera wakes Bran from a long wolfdream. He enjoyed the dream, where Summer feasted on meat, as the travelers have little food. Jojen tells him it is dangerous to stay too long in Summer he’ll forget what it is to be human. “If we lose you,” Meera says, “We lose everything.” Later, Bran is drawn to a weirwood tree carved with a strange face. He touches the tree and falls into a trance. He sees the three-eyed crow, his father, his own fall from the tower, and the shadows of dragons above King’s Landing. “Look for me in the tree,” a voice echoes. “North.” “I know where we have to go,” Bran says.
Joffrey and Margaery are married in the great Sept of Baelor. “Cursed be he who would tear them asunder,” says the Septon. Joffrey drapes his cloak over Margaery, and kisses her as the crowd applauds. The Queen of Thorns and Tywin discuss the prohibitive cost of the wedding as they leave the ceremony. “The Iron Bank will have its due,” says Olenna, though Tywin claims not to be worried about the bankers from Braavos. At the wedding feast, Bronn assures Tyrion that Shae is off to Pentos. The Queen of Thorns gives Sansa her condolences about Robb and Catelyn. She fiddles with Sansa’s dress, and tsks about the bad manners of killing people at weddings.
Joffrey is bored and Margaery gives a speech, saying that Joffrey has decreed the meal’s leftovers go to the poorest of King’s Landing. Loras Tyrell exchanges a sexified look with Oberyn Martell and then bumps into Jaime, who tells Loras that he will never marry Cersei. “And neither will you,” snaps Loras. Meanwhile, Cersei thanks Brienne for returning Jaime to King’s Landing. “I don’t serve your brother, your Grace,” says Brienne. “But you love him,” says Cersei, shocking poor Brienne. Cersei moves in to spar with Maester Pycelle, and sends him to order the meal’s leftovers to the dogs, instead of the people. Because she’s awesome.
Tywin and Cersei run into Oberyn and Ellaria. Cersei is nasty to Ellaria for being a bastard. Oberyn says very pointedly that they are cool with bastards in Dorne, but not so much with rape and murder. Finally, Joffrey grows tired of the entertainment.
“A royal wedding is not an amusement,” he says. “A royal wedding is history – the time has come for us to contemplate our history.” Joffrey has a troop of dwarves re-enact the War of the Five Kings, grinning maliciously at Tyrion. The dwarves spar. Renly’s dwarf is taken by another from behind, and Loras walks away in disgust. “Pay each of them twenty gold when this is done,” says Tyrion. “I’m off to find another way to thank the king.” Sansa watches in mute horror as the dwarf-Joffery beheads and then gyrates against the wolf’s head worn by “Robb Stark.”
Joffrey almost rewards the dwarves, but challenges Tyrion to challenge “his” reign. Politely, Tyrion throws the challenge in his face. Joffrey walks over to Tyrion and dumps a cup of wine on his head. Tyrion tries to be diplomatic; Margaery calls Joffrey back, who orders Tyrion to be his cupbearer. “Your Grace does me a great honor,” says Tyrion.
“It was not meant as an honor,” Joffrey says. He drops the goblet, kicking it under the table. Sansa picks it up and hands it to him. “Fill it,” Joffrey orders, and Tyrion silently does so. “Kneel before your king,” Joffrey says. “Kneel.” When Tyrion remains standing, he yells, “I said, KNEEL!”
“Look! The pie!” Margaery cries. Joffrey takes a sip, and cuts open the pie – filled with live and cooked pigeons – with his sword. Tyrion and Sansa try to leave as Joffrey eats his pie, but Joffrey orders them to stay. Tyrion brings the wine again. Joffrey drinks, and starts to cough. He drinks more wine, and coughs again. “He’s choking!” Margaery realizes. Ser Dontos appears next to Sansa, ushering her away from the scene. Jaime and Cersei run over to Joffery, who has collapsed, vomiting. Cersei cradles him in her lap as Joffrey goes purple, raising a clawed hand at Tyrion.
“He did this,” Cersei gasps, as Joffrey lies dead in the middle of his wedding. “He poisoned my son! TAKE HIM!”
Who killed Joffrey?
Tyrion: Of course, he appears to be the most guilty. He blatantly threatened Joffrey's life at the last small council meeting at the end of Season 3, and also has total reason to kill his devilish nephew. But did he do it? Tyrion seems like a man who's smart enough to control his urges, and killing the King in front of everyone while clearly framing himself would be completely stupid. Tyrion is the perfect person to set up for Joffrey's murder, so he's off my suspect list.
Olenna Tyrell: There was something about the look on her face right when Tyrion walked up to grab Joffrey's goblet for the last time. Maybe she was just sympathizing for poor Tyrion, but she seemed a little suspicious to me.
Sansa: Out of anyone in King's Landing, or all of the Seven Kingdoms, Sansa has the most cause to kill Joffrey. Yet she's just too meek of a girl to carry out such an act.
In the next episode of Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 3 entitled “Breaker of Chains”, In the frenzied aftermath of the royal wedding, Tyrion gets a visit from a loyal subject, but wonders if anyone in his family will help him out of his current predicament. Meanwhile, Tywin offers to work for the common good with a presumed enemy; Sam takes stock of the personnel at Castle Black; the Hound gives another life lesson to Arya; and Daenerys makes a decision outside the walls of Meereen.
Here is the Promo of the Upcoming Episode:
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» Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 3 Breaker of Chains
Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 3 Breaker of Chains
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