Friday, June 6, 2014

Game of Thrones Season 4 the Last Two Episodes

The battle for the thrones are not over and in game of thrones season 4 and just two episodes left until the finale of the season. More things are going to happen in the last 2 episodes and a lot of scene that might surprise to us. Lets wrap up the high lights that happen in the past 8 episodes of the series. Well most of the fans of the GOT might celebrate the purple wedding but it turns into a disaster as Joeffrey killed in his wedding party after drinking a wine. After the disaster happen it turns the world up side down for Tyrion Lannister where Cersie accused Tyrion is responsible for killing her son. Tyrion is being prison and goes for a trial but somehow a great surprise Shae put herself as a witness which is all she says is lie and put Tyrion in the hard time and he faces for the trial but Tyrion appeals for battle for a combat in his side Oberyn versus The mountain but the viper lose the game and made Tyrion to be sentence to death oh my!.

Sansa stark to leave the Kings Landing and the man behind this is Lord Baelish they went to Sansa’s aunt Lysa but somehow things go wrong after Lysa saw Baelish kissing Sansa and Lysa tries to push Sansa in the mood door good thing Baelish come but it turns into a disaster Baelish push Lysa.

While in the Meren. Daenerys's lethargically progressing arc confronted with the belated revelation that Jorah originally joined her coterie to spy on her, Daenerys angrily exiles him, and puts enough venom into her voice that she could almost pass as the episode's "viper." The faint scoff with which she incredulously repeats the word "love" when Jorah invokes it as self-defense is perfectly pitched between an effort to hold back bile and to choke back tears. She at last whispers "Go" so softly it's easy to miss hissed through unmoving lips as if she were practicing ventriloquism.

Thing are getting intense and suddenly the family that are rolling the throne are in the hardship after Joefrey death but in the east the rising army of Dany is on the hand to take the Kings Landing and take what is belong to her. Don’t miss every single episode of GOT watch series online every day especially if you can’t catch up them in your tv online is the best option to be.

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