Thursday, January 15, 2015

Revenge Season 4 Episode 12 Wrap Up “Madness”

Revenge Season 4 starts off with a flashback to 2003 when David was in prison and stabbed by a guard, and taken in an ambulance by Malcolm Black’s men. Present day, David is reading a Miami newspaper about the death of Malcolm Black. That man sure knows how to cover his tracks. Louise and Nolan are at the Beach Club and she introduces Nolan to her brother Lyman. Nolan invites him over for dinner and to give a donation to his campaign for office. David meets with Emily and he tells her of his plan to kill Victoria that night. Emily pleads with him to let her suffer on her own so the two of them can run away together to catch up on lost time. Of course Emily needs a week to “tie up loose ends.” We don’t believe that perfect ending for a second.

Malcolm Black, who introduces himself as Agent Douglas Taylor, is waiting outside Jack’s apartment. When Jack tells him he doesn’t know where Kate is he subtly threatens his family. Jack then meets with David and David tells him to act normal and stay away from Amanda. Malcolm must believe she’s still dead.

Nolan invites Emily to dinner because he’d like a second opinion on Lyman Ellis. She tells him about her and David’s plans leave and we tear up with Nolan when he says: “Looks like you’re finally gonna get your happy ending.” Emily retorts with “You’re already hobnobbing with hot red heads.” “Gentlemen prefer blondes, you know that.” Who doesn’t love their friendship?

As a part of closing ties, Emily meets with Ben for a little walk on the beach. As Emily walks back up to the Beach club she overhears a conversation between Louise and Lyman. They’re arguing about her medication and her “possessive tendencies.”

Emily informs Nolan, but he thinks she’s a good person who’s had a hard life. He still wants her help and she reluctantly agrees.

Ben and Jack are on patrol and Ben is upset because Chief Alvarez isn’t returning his calls. Last time they spoke he was planning on giving him a promotion. Jack is mentally somewhere else thinking of his son’s safety.

David calls Malcolm off of Kate’s phone. He tells him that Kate is fine and alive but he can’t see her because he was never allowed to see Amanda when he was under his watch.

We get a flashback to when David was working for Malcolm and Malcolm drops him some pictures of (fake) Amanda at the strip club. He says that she’s “worth it,” which is disgusting to even think further on.

David snaps back to reality and says he’ll give Malcolm Kate’s location and he is to leave the country or the authorities will be given the flash drive. Hmm. What’s on that pesky thing already.

David meets with Jack and informs him that he’ll be meeting with Malcolm that night and hopefully killing him. In case something happens he wants Jack to tell Emily and have Nolan distribute the flash drive to the authorities. It’s sad that Jack is always put in these situations!

Margaux creeps up on Ben leaving Emily a voicemail and she bursts out in verbal rage. However, as she walks away she collapses. Ben brings her to the ER and when he heads out for coffee the doctor enters tells her she has high blood pressure and she needs to de-stress. Victoria then shows up to… help. Victoria decides to tell Margaux the entire truth and starts off telling Margaux that Emily is Amanda Clarke and Ben is outside listening.

It’s finally dinner time. When the subject gets turned over to Louise’s health, she starts to see the hallucinations of her mother berating her. Louise lashes out at her mother and accidentally slaps Nolan. As Lyman takes Louise away Emily suggests something is up with Lyman.

Emily and Nolan go up to Louise’s room and inform her that the medication she’s been receiving from the family doctor is Xanax mixed with Lariam which causes confusion and hallucinations. Then Emily finds a photo of her in what we discover was what was in that mysterious envelope from last week. Victoria’s evidence that was given to Kate.

Emily may have now officially changed her mind in having her father kill Victoria. You spoke too soon, Em.

Nolan invites Lyman over to throw in his face that he didn’t win and they know about the pills. Oh, and not to cash that huge check. Jack tries to stop David from attacking Malcolm but David tells him how Conrad ruined his life but Malcolm damned his soul to hell. In another flashback we see Malcolm force David to kill another man. Jack says that he already took the flashdrive and had Nolan give it to authorities. The police are outside ready to take Malcolm and his men away.

Now he and Emily can be happy and blah blah. David replies, “If you only knew how wrong you really are.” Jack then later finds out at the precinct that Malcolm was turned over to the feds and then released for lack of evidence. Oh shit.

David sends Victoria a text to meet at the lighthouse. We find out it was actually Emily wanting to confront Victoria about the photo. They go at it back and forth for a bit and then they’re both hit by darts. Malcolm comes out from the shadows and finds out that Emily is really Amanda Clarke just as she slips into the sedation. These Hamptonites need to learn to not speak so freely about such private matters.

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