Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Once Upon A Time Season 4 Episode 2 Sum up Just for the Peeps Seek

The Strorybrooke is chilling as once upon a time season 4 are about to start again for the new episode in this week. Defenses are up as Elsa hits the town with an ice wall, building her summer ice fortress around the town of Storybrooke. Not nearly as nice as the one outlying the city limits of Arendelle, it gets the job done as the town loses power and the sheriff is brought in to investigate.

Before she departs, however, Emma has another crisis to deal with closer to home. A crow arrives from Regina explaining to Henry that she thinks it best that he keeps his distance. After his efforts to build the perfect, “I’m sorry your boyfriend’s dead wife is back” basket, Henry’s interest in helping out his other Mom wanes.

At the wall, Emma and David are met by Hook who responds to a call from his lady. Mocking their relationship, Hook teases that he should have brought some champagne to celebrate their second date at the ice wall following their lovely evening with ice monster.

I’ll make a man out of you: Oh, costume department. That wig! Mama’s farm is in trouble and Bo Peep will not cease until her payment is met. Anna arrives and discovers that Prince James and Kristoff are old buddies. Who knew? She witnesses the tyrant in action and offers her assistance to help him fight.

Meek James is not the fighting type, but he meets his match against Anna the determined type. Sweeping the hair out of his face, James turns to Anna to explain the struggles his father had with alcohol and the stress it caused his family. He vowed to win his battle against the drink, but two week benders during supply runs, he lost hope that the man would ever change.

Letting his mother down is not an option, and James takes the visitor’s advice to stop surviving and start living. Elsa realizes that her plan to find Anna is backfiring a bit when the frozen wall chills Emma close to death. Sisterly bonding helps Elsa control her powers, but for Emma a properly flowing circulatory system is key to the use of her magic.

At the generator, Mary Margaret is taken as Storybrooke’s leader since Regina “doesn’t feel up to it.” Politics, am I right? Mary Margaret soon realizes the enormous amount of stress Regina handled on a daily basis. Once you’ve had the luxury of microwaves and wifi, who would want to return to the days of candlelight?

Hook and David go to Rumpelstiltskin to inquire about the necklace. Rumple’s expression lets on that there is more to his side of the story than he is willing to reveal at the moment. David recognizes the necklace from Belle’s inventory card and immediately takes his grievances to Peep the Butcher. The two take Peep’s staff that may still be able to track Anna through the herding enchantment that she placed on her in the Enchanted Forest.

Behind the wall, Emma is losing her fight with the cold, but Elsa makes strides with technology, by using the walkie-talkie to communicate with David.

Charming and his hair head out to visit Bo Peep after Anna fails to show herself in the barn. Once in the presence of Bo Peep, Charming takes his stand and fights off her henchmen, tying her to a post and taking back the necklace she stole from Anna.

Back at the barn, full of endorphins, Anna pounces on Charming. He returns her necklace and offers up a horse to help her along her journey. Grateful for her assistance saving the land Mama Charming give Anna some sandwiches and the name of a powerful man who may be able to help her. Rumpelstiltskin, watches over Anna as she mutters his name. Powers restored: David and Hook

return once more to the ice wall where Hook continues to try his hand at making sno-cones. David takes over the walkie-talkie to explain to Elsa that while Elsa may survive in the ice fortress, Emma will not, and neither of them are living. Hearing the words of her sister come over through an unlikely acquaintance, sparks a warmth in her to reverse, at least some, of her barrier.

With Emma safely in Hook’s arms, and Elsa trusting her new friends, the group retreats to the warmth of the loft.

Meanwhile, Prince Neal feels pangs of hunger, giving the newly elected town mayor an idea. The generator is lacking fuel to run! After thinking that Mary Margaret was going to try her hand at testing Prince Neal’s magic, she turns on the fuel and the town is brought back to the 21st century.

Emma is feeling the warmth of her family, blankets, and Hook’s good hand, as David explains the situation to Mary Margaret. The staff does not show Anna to Elsa, but it does give off a heart beat. Anna is alive. Henry takes the family’s motto of never giving up hope and puts it into action. Arriving at his own doorstep, he demands to be seen by his mother, whether she likes it or not. Regina opens the door and takes her first step towards letting those who believe in her back into her life.

One business that did not suffer in the blackout was the Storybrooke ice cream shop. But who is behind the magical ice wall’s refusal to melt and has a hand in proving sugary cream to the town? Introducing the Ice Queen.

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