Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Walking Season 5 Synopsis Finally Released

Well waiting for your favorite show all the time is worth waiting especially intense things are might to happen nest in the season. Waiting for the walking dead season 5 is the only thing I can do until it will be released this coming October 5, 2014 for the new season.

The synopsis starts off with a touch of setup in the form of where Season Four left off -- an important element since, for the first time since the series launched, The Walking Dead doesn't have a time-jump this year. It also features a bit of an existential question -- "who do they become?"-- Something that has become more and more overt since the second half of Season Four began. The themes have always been there, of course, but we're moving quickly toward a version of The Walking Dead where that's right out there in the open.

Season Four of The Walking Dead ended with Rick and the group outgunned, outnumbered, and trapped in a train car awaiting a grim fate.

Season Five picks up shortly thereafter. What follows is a story that weaves the true motives of the people of Terminus with the hopeful prospect of a cure in Washington, D.C., the fate of the group’s lost comrades, as well as new locales, new conflicts, and new obstacles in keeping the group together and staying alive.

Stories will break apart and intersect. The characters will find love and hate. Peace and conflict. Contentment and terror. And, in the quest to find a permanent, safe place to call home, one question will haunt them… After all they’ve seen, all they’ve done, all they’ve sacrificed, lost, and held on to no matter what the cost...

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