Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 24 A is for Answers Season Finale

Finally is coming but before that we chop up the previous episode of the series and it makes me more interesting to watch for the finale of the season. Spencer walking through the woods in a full-on wedding gown. She is clearly being followed and as she walks we hear something snap shut, almost like something along the lines of an animal trap, and the screen fades to black. It is 48 hours earlier and the girls are at The Brew talking about Paige and the note to Holbrook. Spencer is clearly the most distraught, believing that she may have been the one to kill someone and that Mrs. DiLaurentis is out to get her.

As Emily and Spencer leave, they catch a glimpse of Jason, who swiftly ignores them and drives off. They try to follow him but the car is stuck and the pair finds a roll of film with just a blonde girl with her face blacked out and the note “You know me, Spencer. You killed me.” Over a phone call, Aria is being scolded by her mom for her behavior in Syracuse and the conversation quickly turns to Ezra. When Aria gets upset, Ella surprises her by bursting through the door. Though their bliss is short lived because that same night Aria has quite the freak out on her mother for going to a different country with her boyfriend despite it being Aria’s idea in the first place.

Emily and Spencer run into Paige at school and the tension is palpable. Emily wants to know why she hasn’t spoken to her and cuts right to the chase about what Paige did. Hannah catches up with Travis, who doesn’t appear to be all too pleased to see her. Hannah insists on a do-over and “#AwwTravis” flashes across the screen. Sorry, that hashtag suggestion is just a bit much.Travis isn’t biting and doesn’t take Hannah up on her offer. Not to worry though, he gets over it and is pretty adorable and kisses her later in the episode.

While preparing for the bridal show, Mrs. DiLaurentis sends Ashley away as the cops pull up to her house. Holbrook cuts in and tells her that the body in the grave didn’t have a broken wrist like it was initially reported and that now they will be exhuming the body to confirm whether it is actually Ali or not. While this is all going down, Ashley goes into Ali’s room and finds a receipt for clothes that were bought yesterday. This being a clue seems like sort of stretch, but then again this is Pretty Little Liars.

At school, Emily is able to talk to Jason who tells her that he needs to keep Spencer away from his family considering all the issues they are having. He reveals that Spencer used to harass their family. Apparently Ali used to get texts from someone and Mrs. DiLaurentis believed it was Spencer. Her advice to her daughter? Fight fire with fire.

Over at the Hastings household, Dean and Spencer seem to have a moment when he decides to read to her so she will be able to finally fall asleep. Naturally they both dose off and Mrs. Hastings catches them in what appears to be a compromising position. She fires him on the spot. This leads to a confession from Mrs. Hastings about an event that happened with Spencer and Melissa the summer that Spencer can’t remember. Apparently after a huge blowout between the sisters, Ali found Mrs. Hastings cleaning up the aftermath in the backyard. While not much happened, Spencer witnessed their interactions. Based on this, do her parents believe she could’ve killed Ali? It doesn’t seem like very strong reasoning.

Back at The Brew, Hannah convinces the girls to take part in the bridal show because she thinks they’ll be able to find the address to where Ali is by snooping around their house. The girls oblige and it’s at the show that Spencer gets to speak to Jason for the first time. She tries to ask him about the night Ali “died” but is interrupted by Dean who swings by to tell her good-bye, but not before he gives her his digits. We also find out that Jason has been lying about his whereabouts because the rehab facility he said he was at has been closed down for two years. Has he just been helping his mom, AKA A, this whole time? In a nice break from all of the drama, Ella tells Aria that Zach proposed to her in Austria and that she came back in order to tell Aria. It was a really cute moment in a pretty serious episode.

It’s almost time for the bridal show to begin but Spencer sees Mrs. DiLaurentis drop a bag off in the woods and a mysterious figure picks it up. Spencer follows the stranger into the woodland and while we originally thought she got caught on a bear trap, it was just anti-climactic and we find out it was her dress that got caught.

While this is going down, the other girls are hacking into email accounts and Ali finally calls the girls. She gives them an address so she can tell them everything. They want to leave but they can’t without Spencer. When they find her, she can barely speak because her corset is so tight. When they take off the corset they find the bones of human fingers sewn into it as well as a note that reads “What will you do when the rest of me comes out of the grave?” The episode ends with the girls going to meet up with Ali in what appears to be some sort of abandoned office. The final shot is of someone walking in on them but it’s not Ali, it’s someone else who takes the girls by surprise. .

In the next episode of Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 24 A is for Answers, After years of questions and mystery surrounding the night Alison DiLaurentis disappeared, her four best friends come face to face with Ali and finally learn why she disappered and what happened to her that September night. .

Now, with their new found knowledge of Ali’s long-held secrets, can Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer help Alison finally figure out who Big A is?.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:.

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