Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 18 Hot For Teacher

Unraveling the true identity of Ezra might gets the attention of the liars to kick back who really is A. Our liar Spencer is truly have the idealistic attorney and detective style in puzzling all the things to find out think A is and out of the outcome that made is pointing into her friend boyfriend Ezra. Since Spencer is I think that so eager to find out who is A finally in the previous episode she finally connecting the dots behind this mystery person that keep on kicking their butts all the way.

Not only did Spencer figure out that Ezra and Alison used to hook up words can’t describe how awkward it was watching them kiss this week but thanks to several key clues in Ali’s journal, she also discovered Ezra’s beer of choice: Board Shorts! Seriously, I don’t think I’ve let out an audible gasp like that since we first discovered Ezra’s “A” connection. This isn’t just big, people; this is HUGE!

Unfortunately, when Spencer wasn’t cracking the Ezra mystery, she was developing a nasty little caffeine pill problem, courtesy of Andrew . And while I wasn’t at all unhappy to see everyone’s favorite hot nerd back on the show, I can’t help but worry about Spencer’s future. She may be gathering the evidence, but will anyone believe her when they see what she’s on?

Meanwhile Hannah spending her day to make nice with Detective Holbrook which I normally wouldn’t discourage right off the bat come on, just look at him but we all know that law enforcement officials on this show are not to be trusted. I’d suspect Detective Holbrook of drugging Hanna at the dentist and stealing Ali’s dental records.

And then there’s Aria, who may or may not be heading straight into a pretty little cult. After learning that Mike and Mona have been spending too much time together seriously, any time is too much time she did some digging into the school group they’ve both been attending. Aria is just too much concern with her baby brother because Mona is can't be trusted.

It turns out it’s headed by a creepy-yet-dashing guidance counselor named Jesse, and he’s interested in speaking with Aria further. Personally, I’d prefer he speak with Aria’s mom, so we can have ourselves a full-on charmed reunion.

In the next episode of the Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 18 entitled Hot For Teacher, With Spencer's possible Board Shorts revelation, she is more determined than ever to prove her theory before bringing it to the other girls attention especially since it could have a devastating effect on one of the Liars. But with many sleepless nights fueled by prescription medication, Hanna starts to notice Spencer's odd behavior. Will Detective Hanna be able to figure out Spencer's secret before Spencer is ready to share?

Meanwhile, Emily looks to make amends with Alison through Shana, and all of Aria's lies start to take a toll on her.

Here is the Promo of the Upcoming Episode:

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