Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 12 Still Synopsis plus Preview

As they are trying to live their life in the normal way after the break in the prison and lead their friends in the separate ways Michonne, Rick and Carl are together. Guns are not the best choice. They are always loud, clumsy in the wrong hands and require bullets and maintenance. When confronting a walker, raw courage is the best alternative quiet, direct and lethal. Trusted companions magnify this power with its sheer numbers. And weapons such as knives, hammers, swords and machetes can be excruciatingly effective.

Abraham is giving Tara and Glenn a ride to an unknown location, and they stop to kill off a couple zombies. As they do so, we see Abraham’s got an interesting personality about him. He’s tough, he’s friendly, and as Tara notes, he’s smiling. Why? “I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” he says.

Halfway through the episode we return to Abraham and company again. They’re traveling in a vehicle to get Eugene to Washington D.C. According to Abraham, he knows exactly what “caused this mess.” Glenn is uninterested in coming along because he wants to find Maggie. He and Tara begin walking back to the bus, but Abraham tells him Maggie is gone. Of course, viewers know this is a lie so is the information about D.C. made up too?

Glenn punches Abraham and they start brawling. Meanwhile, zombies begin approaching and Eugene starts fighting them off. The rest join in the battle, but unfortunately they shot their vehicle’s gas tank so they can’t use it any longer. Without a vehicle, the new humans decide to follow Glenn and Tara towards the bus they’re in search of. We get to hear Eugene speak for the first time and he’s quite nerdy.

Carl and Michonne are having a fun talk about the latter’s new white shirt in their safe house. Rick later thanks his friend for giving his son a laugh, because he knows he can’t be a father and a best friend. They’re not sure if they’ll be using this home as a long-term place to stay, or if they’ll go elsewhere.

While out searching for supplies, Michonne reveals to Carl that she had a three year old son named Andre Anthony who found her “extremely funny.” Carl wishes he knew about the child sooner. Clearing bedrooms, she finds dead zombies lying nicely in beds and this upsets her because of her history.

Back at home, Rick wakes up to find that there are people in his house. He ducks under the bed. Someone comes and takes a nap on top of the bed he was just sleeping in, and then another person comes in and wants to sleep too. This turns into a fight over who gets to sleep there. One of them gets dropped to the floor and spots Rick, but he’s beat up to the point where he can’t tell his “friend” that there’s someone under the bed.

Rick climbs out from under the bed, and we enter a tense sequence where he’s trying to remain undetected while he looks for an escape. When he enters a bathroom he finds someone doing his business. He suffocates him on the spot and opens up a bathroom window to escape . As he’s rounding the house, one of the intruders comes outside to eat. He’s called back inside because of something that happens, and just in the nick of time, because Michonne and Carl are on their way back. Rick runs over to them and they escape unharmed and unnoticed. Following some train tracks, they come across a sign like Carol and Tyreese did that points to Terminus.

In the next episode of the walking dead season 4 episode 12 entitled Still, Faced with the day-to-day survival of life outside shelter, a simple request by someone in the group leads to a bizarre but enlightening mission.

Here is the preview of the upcoming episode:

Here is the Sneak Peek of Episode Still:

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