Monday, October 7, 2013

The Vampire Diaries Season 5, Episode 2 True Lies Guide plus promo

It is all about the adjustments for all the characters in the vampire diaries season 5. Elena and Caroline are adjusting to college life, Damon is adjusting to living apart from his girlfriend, Katherine is adjusting to her humanity, Jeremy is adjusting to life among the living and Bonnie is adjusting to life among the dead.

One thing that makes more interesting with this season is the new doppleganger Silas which is trying to be like Stefan who is everybody didn’t know it at all. Silas is trying to seduce Katherine while she is in the tub but Katherine finds it out that he is Silas in the other hand Bonnie creams in the crowd while her father is being killed in the stage while the people all around are being compel.

Sorry, that pun was bad, but so was the fate of Megan, the girl chosen to share a dorm with Caroline and Elena. After an awkward moving-in period did she have to walk in on the girls right as they were shot-gunning blood bags? Caroline discovered vervain water in Megan’s mini-fridge, which triggered more than a few red flags.

Fortunately for the girls, but very unfortunately for Megan, she wasn’t a problem for very long; she got totally murked at her first college party by what we assume was a vampire. Sorry, not sorry!

But the real twist for Megan came at the very end of the episode, after her death, when the girls discovered a mind-blowing picture on her phone: one of her with Elena’s dad! It’s anyone’s guess how Megan and Papa Gilbert were connected, but I’m sure they’re having a great time catching up in heaven now.

Back in Mystic Falls, Little Gilbert started his first day of high school, and it went… not well. More specifically, he beat the crap out of some kids in the hallway and got expelled. Damon managed to lessen his sentence with a little compulsion, but he still read Jer the riot act. It was kind of adorable watching Damon get all big-brother-y with Jeremy; they’ve really come a long way since the times Damon tried to kill him.

Still, you have to wonder where Jeremy is headed this season. He’s clearly got a lot of anger to go along with his new, larger physique so how’s he going to channel it? I’m hoping for some kind of Mystic Falls Fight Club, but mostly just for the skin-tactic costume.

After spending four seasons putting everyone else’s needs before his own, Matt finally got a huge reward in the form of an international romance with Rebekah. They basically spent the summer having threesomes in various European paradises, and Matt didn’t seem to mind one bit.

Unfortunately, one of couple’s conquests a saucy little minx named Nadia stole Matt’s Gilbert Ring mid-hookup, then showed up in Mystic Falls to return her booty. But just when I was ready to applaud her for having a change of heart, we learned she was merely a distraction! Someone came up behind Matt and did something that knocked him out and made his eyes go all wonky.

In the next episode of the vampire diaries season 5 episode 2 “True Lies”, Without telling Elena that Stefan is missing, Damon turns to Sheriff Forbes for help finding his brother. Elena and Caroline try to find out who is covering up a campus murder, and a fellow Whitmore student named Jesse gives Elena some intriguing information about Professor Wes Maxfield. While Jeremy struggles to return to his old life, he continues to be the only person who can see and talk to Bonnie, but he can’t convince her that it’s time to let the others know that she sacrificed her own life for his. After learning that Silas is searching for Katherine, Damon asks Matt and Jeremy to keep her out of sight, but the situation quickly spirals out of control. Finally, Nadia uses violence to make a point about her own agenda.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

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