Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 21 “Last Rites”

On the 20th episode of ABC’s Once Upon a Time, almost all of the heroes’ crew made their way to Storybrooke from the Underworld.

Hades offers the heroes a deal after he learns that his love, Zelena has been kidnapped by Rumple and Pan. After the crew saves Zelena, Hades and Zelena kiss and this restarts his heart. Hades keeps his end of the bargain by removing the names from the headstones.

Unfortunately for Emma, her plan to split her heart with Hook doesn’t work out. Hades offers an alternative: that the duo go to the bottom-most level of the Underworld to measure the amount of true love in Emma’s heart. While Emma proves her true love, they are duped by Hades and Hook tells Emma that he won’t be going back. Hook tells Emma not to put her guard up and Emma asks him not to dwell on unfinished business so he can move on.

Meanwhile, Rumple owes his dad a heart so that he can take Belle back and picks Robin Hood to be his victim. Rumple bids his father adieu for a final time by tricking Pan into drinking water from the River of Lost Souls.

A promo of Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 21 shows Emma and Regina at a funeral mourning. Who could have died? It could be that they are having an honorary funeral for Hook or it is possible that someone else gets hurt in the process. The promo also shows Regina and Zelena are not on the same team anymore. Zelena has her baby and seems totally on board with whatever Hades has brewing. The king of the underworld enters our world, igniting a devastating conflict that someone will not survive, breaking the very heart of Storybrooke forever,” says the ABC synopsis. Once Upon a Time Season 5 episode 20 airs Sunday, May 8 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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