Monday, March 7, 2016

Rip Off: Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 12

It is ever been so more magical as Once Upon a time kicks off their 100th episode tonight with a bang. Not only that the story is happening in the Storybrooke but the gang already arrives in the underworld to save Hook and a lot more faces are so familiar with.

The gang arrives to the Underworld. It looks just like Storybrooke, but it isn’t. Not by a long shot. Cora is the mayor of Underworld. The Blind Witch is in charge of Granny’s Diner. James is the new sheriff in town. Rumple doesn’t want to stay longer than he has to, and begs the gang to do things his way while in the Underworld.

Neal is back. He asks her how Henry is doing, and Emma nearly breaks down in tears. Is Emma already in the Underworld? Not quite. Neal is trying to stop her from going there. “This won’t end the way you think it will,” Neal says.

Neal gives her a warning before she steps over to the dark side, the place for people with unfinished business. Neal has never been to the Underworld, he’s currently residing in a place he’s truly happy. He realizes Emma’s not going to listen to him she has to find Hook. Neal tells Emma that he loves her, and he sends her on her way. Gosh, how great is it to see Neal again?

Before we get completely into the Underworld business, let’s flash back to Regina’s evil days. Regina was on the prowl for Snow’s heart. She wanted the beating heart as her birthday present. Regina’s father begged her to let her vendetta against Snow go already. In a bad move, Henry summoned Cora in Wonderland using the Magic Mirror, and she ended up back in Regina’s world. Oh no.

Henry went to meet Snow in the woods, and he ripped her heart out. Only it wasn’t Henry, it was Cora! She brought Snow’s heart to Regina at her birthday party, but there was a catch. Henry had switched the hearts before the party. He didn’t want his daughter to end up like Cora. Well, Regina wasn’t too happy about missing her opportunity to kill Snow. So she put her father in the box she thought was holding Snow’s heart. Regina sent her mother back to Wonderland, but at the last moment, Cora took the box with Henry with her! Oh, and Regina sealed the portal for good.

Back in the Underworld, Regina goes to meet Cora. In the least surprising revelation ever, Cora’s unfinished business is Regina. Cora pleads with Regina to leave the Underworld. She even has a boat ready to take her daughter back to Storybrooke. Regina doesn’t want to leave her friends behind, so Cora ups the ante. She brings Regina to a literal hell so she can see what will happen if she stays. Cora uses her father as bait to try and lure Regina out.

Meanwhile, Rumple heads to his shop and finds that Peter Pan is in charge. LOL. They agree to bury the hatchet if Rumple helps Peter Pan get out of the Underworld. All Peter has to do is trade places with a living soul. Well, there’s a boat leaving the Underworld, and it’s not beneath Peter to take someone else’s seat.

This only gave Emma more motivation to stay. Charming says he isn’t going to leave without Emma. Emma tells Regina to take Robin and Henry home. Regina has some unfinished business, though. She summons her father, and he tells her that Cora is just using him to get her to leave. He wants her to stay and bring some good to this evil place.

Cora tries to send Henry into the pit of fire in the Underworld, but he doesn’t die. He crosses over. Little Henry also gets the chance to meet his other grandfather. Henry’s unfinished business was Regina. When Regina became free of Cora, his work was done. After Henry leaves, the Underworld’s clock ticks.

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