Friday, March 6, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 13 Preview

Rick and the gang have found a temporary asylum at the Alexandria Safe-Zone but they are finding it hard to adjust to the lifestyle that they have now, without the threats they have been dealing with for the longest time. In episode 13 of "The Walking Dead" titled "Forget," the group struggles to assimilate into the society within the gated community.

It seems that the members of the group got used to drawing a gun or wielding a bow and arrow to kill off walkers. It feels a bit uncanny for them to sit around, shave and cut their hair, and do the things they used to do before flesh-eating creatures overran the town.

They have been looking for a safe haven, but now that they have found one, it is taking them great effort to cope with and understand the fact that they are indeed in a place of safety. Furthermore, the group ponders on living the rest of their lives slaying zombies rather than staying within the Safe-Zone, which will slash, little by little, all their deadly skills to ward killer walkers off.

"Tensions" arise as Rick's group attempts to live life the way people do inside the ASZ. In the promo for the episode, Sasha snaps and attempts to get herself out of the walled area. She retrieves her weapon in the warehouse from someone named Olivia, who offers her meat in case she feels the need to cook up a tasty meal while on the run. Fans can imagine Sasha's surprise knowing how clueless these people are of the horrors that's out there prowling.

Their hesitation to stay inside the Alexandria Safe Zone will extend to episode 14 titled "Spend" as the group finds themselves faced with more challenges in their "new home." The walking dead season 5 episode 13 will be aired on March 8.

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