Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Originals Season 1 Episode 21 The Battle of New Orleans

In the real world, Father Kieran is being mourned in a very revelatory manner at the bar, with which both Cami and Klaus are having a hard time. For Cami, the party hard atmosphere just doesn’t match her melancholy, and Klaus is dwelling on his dreams of Mikael and how they relate to his impending fatherhood.

We then get a flashback showing Klaus gaining Marcel his freedom by force, and then discussing how important it is to choose one’s family. Both boys have less than desirable fathers, so it was important for Klaus that Marcel knows he is not destined to that legacy.

Francesca corners Cami in the kitchen at the bar and begins discussing the key necklace that Kieran used to wear. What exactly she’s up to we don’t know, but it can’t be good.

Elijah, Hayley, and Klaus have a little pow wow at the wake in which Klaus tells the others that he has been dreaming of Mikael. When Elijah admits that he too has been dreaming of their father, they wonder whether Genevieve has been working her witchy ways. They confront her and she agrees to try and help.

Davina enlists the help of another of her Harvest girls to have a seance and speak to Tim. She gets more than she bargained for when Mikael makes an appearance.

Cami is surprised that Marcel isn’t using the time Klaus has given him in the Quarter to do more than sit coffin side. She then tells him about Francesca’s request for information about the key, and Marcel shows her that he is in possession of it and is trying to keep her out of all the trouble it will cause.

Genevieve shows up at Mikaelson Manor to tell the brothers that the Other Side is disintegrating. A fact that Vampire Diaries fans have known for a little while now. Klaus is happy to know that they will soon be rid of their father once and for all, but he doesn’t seem to be thinking about the other consequences.

Hayley has a run in with Francesca as Kieran’s wake wraps up. She confronts Francesca’s possible involvement in the bombing from last episode, but Francesca knows nothing about it. As Hayley leaves, she passes Monique who is utilizing a little voodoo magic. Before joining the funeral procession, Cami and Marcel have a discussion about the key. It releases a weapon that can be used against the supernaturals should it ever be needed. Marcel does not know what the weapon is, but that didn’t stop him from spending the previous night scouring the Quarter for it. After exhausting his best guesses, he gave up the search. Cami thinks he is only at the funeral in order to get her thoughts on the matter, but he insists that Kieran was his friend and that all he is truly interested in doing right then is mourning his loss. Hayley slips forward during the procession to have a discussion with Cami about Francesca and then stumbles away and passes out after coughing up blood. The Mikaelson boys whisk her somewhere safe to figure out what is happening. Elijah notes that he can hear the baby’s heartbeat, but not Hayley’s.

Meanwhile, the ceremony ignites a thought for Cami, and she immediately hastens to her brothers tomb. He was buried away from the O’Connell tomb due to her family wanting nothing to do with him after his massacre in the church. She believes that whatever weapon Kieran had may be buried with her brother.

Genevieve discovers Monique’s voodoo magic while trying to help Hayley, and she knows what she can do to neutralize it. Hayley meanwhile is putting up one hell of a fight on the Other Side. She wakes in shock after hurting Mikael and tells the boys what she just experienced.

Klaus pays Hayley a visit at her room in the homestead. She agrees to live there, but asks what Klaus intends for her after the baby is born. He shows her the preparations he has made including a spectacular mobile, and asks Hayley what Mikael said to her. She replies, “Nothing true.”

Genevieve and Elijah have a little chat about her involvement in their lives of late. He offers her a chance to redeem herself for the Rebekah trouble she caused. He tells her that after the baby is born, he wants to present Hayley with a moonlight ring, and he wants her help to create it.

While everyone else is fretting over Hayley, Marcel and Cami have cracked open Sean’s tomb and found a small locked box. When Marcel opens it he discovers it to be empty, but Cami notices an inscription carved into the lid in a code her brother taught her some 15 years before. She tells Marcel that she cannot share with him what it says. She takes on the responsibility of the weapon as the last O’Connell alive.

Genevieve scolds Monique for attempting to kill the baby before it was born, but after she does, she begs the ancestors not to make her kill the baby. They are clearly not pleased, as he begins bleeding from the eyes, and is then thrown into the graveyard where she begs to be allowed to do their work.

We get another flashback to Marcel’s past and it shows him trying to deal with his previous owner. He is shot trying to help another slave, and Klaus begs Marcel to let him heal him. Marcel requests to either be turned or let him die. Marcel tells him that he knows what and who Klaus is and that he wants that life. Klaus then turns Marcel.

Klaus confronts Marcel to remind him of the ticking clock on the truce he made on Cami’s behalf. Klaus asks what he did to fail Marcel as a father figure, and Marcel tells him that he didn’t fail, but that he raised him to be as strong as any Mikaelson. He promises to fight to the death for his men and he will not stop.

We then get a lovely scene between Elijah and Hayley in which Elijah admits to not having been more frightened in 1000 years as he was earlier that night when she was lying on that table dying. All she says is his name, and then she kisses him and he responds to her fully. (FINALLY!) It was a damn good kiss too.

Mikael shows himself to Davina and tells her that Shane has found peace and moved on, but that he can help her to get rid of Klaus. She asks what she could possibly do to help him. Mikael responds that she can bring him back to life.

In the next episode of the originals season 1 episode 21 entitled The Battle of New Orleans, Klaus and Elijah enact a plan to collect the sacred stones needed by Genevieve in order to forever change the fates of Hayley and the werewolf community. Realizing that Klaus' plan will lead to the extermination of all French Quarter vampires, Marcel rallies an army determined to take down the Mikaelsons and regain control of the city. Davina warns Josh to leave town as she is forced to make a fateful decision that will turn the tide of war. Meanwhile, Francesca threatens Camille, who attempts to decipher a code that results in a surprising revelation among the city's factions.

Here is the promo of the upcoming episode:

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