Did you watch the previous episode of game of thrones? If you did not maybe you need to watch it now before airing the new episode of the series. Across the Narrow Sea in Astapor, Daenerys, accompanied by Jorah Mormont and Ser Barristan Selmy, walks along a sea wall known as the "Walk of Punishment." Here, any slave who showed insubordination of any type is strapped to a cross and left to die out in public, as a warning to all other slaves. Daenerys offers a condemned man water, and he refuses to drink, saying something the viewer ca not hear.
Jorah and Selmy continue to disagree on whether or not Daenerys should purchase the Unsullied. Jorah claims that not only will the soldiers be treated better, but innocent people will also be spared in war because the Unsullied only do as they are ordered. They have no human or masculine urges in their body, and therefore will not kill civilians or rape innocent women, unlike most barbaric male soldiers. Selmy retorts that her older brother, Rhaegar fought with an army who believed in him, loved him and would die for him. Not a bunch of slave soldiers who are fighting because they have lost their free will, and that without actual support for her cause she will fail. To this Jorah responds that this is true, but Rhaegar also lost his war.
At the slavers bay, she speaks with Kraznys mo Nakloz, as they attempt to work out a deal for his slave soldiers, the Unsullied. He continues to mock her while his slave translator Missandei cleans up his crude and very insulting words into more respectful ones. At one point, she pauses, wondering how to twist something Kraznys said into something appropriate, and Daenerys perhaps notices her reluctance to directly translate.
Daenerys says she will take all 8,000 Unsullied soldiers, including those in training. To this Kraznys laughs at her and says with everything she came with she could afford hardly over 100 Unsullied soldiers. Daenerys surprises him by telling him she has dragons, and she will give him one. This offer stops Kraznys in his tracks, yet Daenerys has to repeatedly deny him as he attempts to haggle to receive more than 1 dragon. They strike a deal that she may have all the Unsullied soldiers for her biggest dragon, to which both Jorah and Selmy object, and plead to Daenerys that while soldiers are valuable, it is dragons that will ultimately win her the Iron Throne. She ignores them, and goes through with the deal with Kraznys, demanding Missandei as a token of faith. Upon leaving the room, she scolds Jorah and Selmy, telling them that while she values their advice, they will both be advising someone else if they disagree with her in public again.
Daenerys then speaks with Missandei and asks her if she has a family, to which she says no.. Daenerys tells her of the man who turned down her offer of water, and asks why he would simply say "let me die." Missandei replies that in the afterlife, there is no master. Thus, the man would rather be dead than alive in the Slavers Bay. Daenerys proceeds to explain the dangers Missandei will be facing in Daenerys's service and asks if that will be a problem. Missandei simply replies, "valar morghulis" ("all men must die"). She acknowledges the truth of the words, but quips, "we are not men".
In the next episode of game of thrones season 3 episode 3 "And Now His Watch Is Ended", The Night’s Watch takes stock; Varys meets his better; Arya is taken to the commander of the Brotherhood; Daenerys makes an exchange.
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