Did you watch the previous episode of Game of thrones? Well, I, sure you did as Dany is so eager to take the Yunkai now she is in the first move to takes it. Hiding from the ruined building to spy the encampment of the second sons. a professional mercenary company, the "powerful friends" the Yunkish have employed. Barristan explains that although there are only 2000 of them, the Second Sons are armored and mounted, enough to cause trouble for the Unsullied. Daenerys tells Barristan to organize a meeting with the Second Sons' captains, saying that men who fight for gold "can't afford to lose to a girl".
Shortly thereafter, Daenerys, hosts the captains Mero, a Braavosi also known as the Titan's Bastard, and Prendahl na Ghezn, a Ghiscari. Also in attendance is Prendahl's capable and striking lieutenant, Daario Naharis. The uncouth and sexually vulgar Mero makes himself at home, observes that Daenerys looks like a whore he knows in Lys and feels up Missandei, although the surprisingly gracious queen shrugs his insults off. Prendahl and Mero refuse Daenerys's offer of an alliance, pointing out they will not get their rewards until she reclaims the Iron Throne, something she is still a long ways off from doing. With aplomb she replies that a fortnight previous she had no army, a year before that she had no dragons. Smiling gently she gives them two days to make up their mind and sends them off with a barrel of wine Mero had demanded. Daario smiles over his back at her as they depart. Daenerys instructs Barristan that if they must fight the Second Sons, he is to kill Mero first. He replies that he would be glad to do so.
At the mercenary camp, Mero fondles a Yunkish pleasure-slave while discussing the situation with Prendahl and Daario. It swiftly becomes apparent that Daario doesn't see things the same way as Mero, but Prendahl cuts off their philosophical discussion to call for action over "the dragon bitch." They eventually decide to simply assassinate Daenerys and be done with it. Mero gives the slave three coins, one each from Volantis, Meereen, and Braavos, and tells her to randomly give them to the three mercenaries- the one who gets the Braavosi coin will kill the queen. While Daenerys is taking a bath and having a conversation she is surprised that Messandei can speak different kinds of languages. Meanwhile the unsullied enters and holding a knife pointing in Messandei throat advising the women not to scream. He removes his helmet, revealing himself as Daario. He explains he is here to kill Daenerys on orders from his captains, but they ran into a philosophical disagreement over her beauty. He then produces their severed heads. Intrigued, Daenerys rises from her bath and asks if Daario will swear fealty to her. He bends the knee and swears his sword, his men and his heart to Daenerys.
On the Other hand in Beyond the Wall Sam and Gillyu continue to their journey to reach out the Black Castle after the heart tree is destroyed. Later in the night Sam light up a fire and takes a conversation with each other and suddenly they are disturbed by a thunderous squawking of the crows. Sam and Gilly went outside to look for it and the tree surrounds them are full of craws and then they saw a white walker is coming. . Sam tries to halt its advance, but the Walker shatters his sword with its bare hand and knocks him aside, he continues to bear down upon her. Sam staggers back to his feet, pulls out his dragonglass dagger, and attacks the Walker, stabbing it in the back. The Walker howls in pain as its whole body begins to freeze from the point at which it was stabbed. It falls to its knees, and shatters, leaving nothing but white dust and the dagger. the dagger is left behind as Sam and Gilly race away in a panic. The crows fly out of the trees and chase them screaming their hatred.
At the Kings Landing Tyrion speaks with Sansa before their wedding at the Great Sept of Baelor; though he knows the girl is less than thrilled at the prospect of marrying him, Tyrion promises Sansa that he will not mistreat her, and Sansa agrees there are worse Lannisters she could be wed to. The ceremony is a grim affair; Joffrey escorts Sansa to the altar in place of her father and removes the stool upon which Tyrion was to stand on to cloak Sansa in Lannister colours as part of the ceremony, eliciting sniggers from the congregation.
As the feast is even more miserable and Jeoffrey are continue to makes insults Tyrion Lannister about the marriage bed. When Joffrey keeps pushing the matter, Tyrion slams his dagger into the table and threatens that Joffrey will "be fucking [his] own bride with a wooden cock" if he doesn't let it drop. As the court stands in horrified silence and a shocked Joffrey seethes with outrage, Tywin defuses the situation by dispensing with the bedding ceremony and placates Joffrey by claiming Tyrion's outburst is merely the result of his being extremely drunk.
Tyrion and Sansa goes to their chamber as a married couple and Tyrion continue to drink until she is finds his self sleeping in the couch whileSansa in the bed. In the next morning Shae inters to their chamber and passes out the couch and gets all the sheets and Shae notices a hints of smile that Sansa’s bed sheets are still dry.
In the next episode of Game of Thrones season 3 Episode 9 Robb presents himself to Walder Frey, and Edmure meets his bride. Jon faces his harshest test yet. Bran discovers a new gift. Daario and Jorah debate how to take Yunkai. House Frey joins with House Tully.
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